Sunday, March 11, 2018

They Do Not Think for Themselves

I'm back thinking about the same thing - how the America I grew up in, went wrong.

I am different that way - I was convinced that something was terribly wrong with that world, and it was my job to find out what that was.

One obvious thing (at least to me) was that they did not like other people, including their own children. But they were not aware of this - and could not be made aware of this.

I must return to my original assertion - that America had gone bad. It had been founded on Enlightenment principles - in the late 18th Century. But had changed completely in the 19th Century.

This is not to say it originated in a pure state - the Founding Fathers were far from perfect. But they had the right ideas - Liberal Democracy. Gradually, these were replaced with Industrial values. And these values were not people-friendly.

I am not saying anything new here - this point has been made, over and over, by people more qualified than I am. I can only repeat what they have said, the entire complex, we refer to as - Industrialization, Capitalism, or the Market Economy - produced a society that was not good for the people in it.

But they were not aware of this - and were forbidden to be aware of this.

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