Sunday, December 31, 2017

The Market Economy

I continue to read The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time

Polanyi gets off to a slow start, but finally gets to the main point - the introduction of machines, created the self-regulating market, that completely transformed human society.

There have been many explanations and descriptions, of how the Industrial Revolution happened. But they all agree that was a big deal and changed nearly everything. It based everything on gain.

We now take this for granted, but feel uneasy about it - for some very good reasons. And this we, is composed of two factions - those who want to understand it, and control it - and those who do not, the vast majority of the population.

This situation has changed with the addition of Software to Hardware. There is more of an emphasis on integrating the User, with the Developer. But the Market is still there, as powerful as ever

The Market has given us a lot - and taken a lot away from us. Especially our ability to think about what is going on.

This was a huge loss!

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