Saturday, August 28, 2021

Events leading up my Father's Marriage

This was back in Middle America in the Thirties.

Everybody got married then, whether it benefited them or not

My Father attended the Marine Corp from 1030 until 1994. i/n Haiti

Then went back to ft. Madison, Iowa, and bought a photogra4phy studio, and wanted to marry my mother. 

"But my business ie not making any money, Then mue6 sell your business to your son when he is born. Ok

Friday, August 27, 2021

No Oil for Taiiban or Pakistan

 Both of these countries have many military vehicles, including battle tanks. 

They both get their oil, fully refined, by tanker trucks. that bring their fuel in from the gulf coast.

These Pipelines must be completely shut down 

Thursday, August 26, 2021

A complete Collapse

I had one of these yesterday, and it was not much fun.

I had to crawl around on the floor before I could get into bed.

J peeded in my pants. so people could smell me a long way off. 

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

When People are Not aware of Time

Strange things happen.

Time is necessary for things to happen. And when it doesn't exist, they cannot happen. 

My brother, for example. believes in his church, but he cannot say which church. 

The church for some of its history, cannot say if Joseph Smith was in jail in Missouri or in Kirtland, Ohio. 

Money Laundering

I saw this happening at a  Walmart store the other day, 

The woman standing in front of me in the checkout line offered a 100 dollar bill in payment for her groceries. The clerk called the store manager. He appeared, looked at the bill, and told the clerk to give her the change, and walked off with the bill. 

What was going on here? Money laundering. 

A nicely dressed man had shown up at the woman's house, and gave her the 100 dollar bill, and told her to buy groceries with it at a Walmart store. That she did and drove off with a lot of groceries. The nice man showed up again and asked her for the change.

What happened at Walmart? All the 100 dollar bills were sent to a special location, where they were mixed with all the other bills that came in every day. 

Somehow, and I have no idea how, all that dirty money was replaced with clean money.

What happened next? A Bank examiner shows up and asks for the books. He looks at them, and sends a report "Walmart is doing some money laundering." and Walmart gets fined. 

Walmart complains to its bank, who notifies its representative in Washington. There are many of these, and they are strictly legal. They give the government a list of the companies they represent. And what they want in return is fewer bank examiners.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

The End of the World

This has been prophesied for some time, thousands of years. If time had a beginning, if must have an end, and we must know about it.

That's the logic, anyway. And I have gotten used to it. The end of the world is nigh, and it is poking us in the butt. 

In one hundred years or so, we will be gone. And the time remaining will be eventful. 

What did we do Wrong?

 Everything, it looks like. First in Vietnam, then in Afghanistan

How on earth could we do eveything wrong twice?.

Joseph Smith did not fit in

With his fellow Americans. 

And for Americans in the early 19th Century, this was not acceptable. So they left America, with the American Army close behind them.

And with Joseph Smith's body behind them in Illinois. 

Monday, August 23, 2021

Early Mormonism

I am still reading the Kindle book about Brigham Young.

It is the best book I have read about Early Mormonism. About the Church before Joseph Smith was killed.

The American people (and the Mormons) at the time were immature, violent. and stupid. 

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Understanding the Taliban

This is something the American Military did not even try to do. And another war we have lost to a far weaker enemy.

What's going on here? 

Maybe we should think about what we are trying to do when we get into these unequal conflicts. 

The keyword here is unequal. When we get in a fight with a much weaker force (as we see it) - they win. 

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Human Global Civilization is not Working

This problem is often referred to as Globalization. 

And it is not working, especially with Global Warming. As our Scientists are warning us. 

The usual response is "To Hell with Science!" Which is not much help. 

And probably means the end of Human Civilization in 100 years, or so. 

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Speaking in tongues

The book I am reading now, about Brigham Young, makes it clear that this was a common practice in the early Mormon church.

I witnessed one of the last practices of it during Reunion back in the Fifties, The speaker, standing in the back of the church, could not restrain himself, and was shaking all over. Everyone listened to him respectfully, but then the service continued as though nothing unusual had happened. 

Monday, August 16, 2021

Understanding the Taliban

My personal understanding of the Big Picture is that there are two basic forces in the world: construction and destruction. And these apply to the situation in Afghanistan. 

And the Big Picture and be assembled by combining all the Little Pictures.

Unfortunately, there are too many Small Pictures in Afghanistan. As you can see by reading the Google News.

As a result, the forces of destruction (the Taliban) are taking over. 

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Brigham Young in the Early Mormon Church

I am reading the Kindle book Brigham Young and learning a lot about the early Mormon church. He joined the church in Western New York State when it was just getting started. 

It was one of the many religious enthusiasms of the time. And it considered the Book of Mormon to be Divine Scripture

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Making Money

 Americans have the most money in the world, and they think this makes them the best people in the world. 

And they probably are, if best means having the most money. 

But ethics is not so simple; it is one of the most complicated subjects in the world. 

WWII made us the richest country in the world, and for thirty years, people from all over the world emigrated to share in this wealth. 

But then it ended. And Americans have gone into shock and self-destruction, making a bad situation even worse. 

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

The United States Embargo against Cuba

There is a Wikipedia article on this, and here is the final paragraph:

William M. LeoGrande summarized that the embargo against Cuba is "the oldest and most comprehensive US economic sanctions regime against any country in the world. It comprises a complex patchwork of laws and presidential determinations" imposed over half a century ago, which long-time Cuban leader and former president Fidel Castro once called "a tangled ball of yarn." According to LeoGrande, "[US] Presidents have tightened or relaxed it to suit their own strategies—some seeking to overthrow or punish the Cuban regime with economic pressure, others seeking to improve relations by resorting to soft power rather than hard. The impact of US sanctions has also varied, at times inflicting serious harm on the Cuban economy and at other times being merely an expensive annoyance. But the embargo has never been effective at achieving its principal purpose: forcing Cuba's revolutionary regime out of power or bending it to Washington's will."[4]

It is cs clear to me that the US needs to do some work on this, and at the very least, make it easy for Americans to visit Cuba. 

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Watch-Mobile Madness

 I have been taken for a ride here, starting with a Fitbit, which goes in the trash today.

Now Samsung has jumped on this bandwagon ( with its watch-phone-OS combos, which want you to go Samsung all the way. Check out their prices. 

Monday, August 9, 2021

Being around People with Similar Interests

We are a very social species. This is one of the secrets of our success. If one of our number is attacked, everyone is arracked. 

Preditors know this and only attack individuals. 

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Getting uased to Walt

And he does take some getting used to. 

I downloaded Leaves of Grass: The Original 1855 Edition

I read the Introduction carefully, over and over, trying to get a feel for the man behind the words. 

I failed. 

Where your Blog lives

In three places:

1. On your computer, when you first start writing it. This is quickly copied to location Two and lives in both places, simultaneously. This sounds dangerous, but your blogger software takes care of that for you easily. This is classified as a Draft entry. 

2. Someplace only you can access. This location is determined by the company that made your blogger app.

3. Someplace anyone can access. Probably in a cloud somewhere, also determined by the company that made your blogger app. This is called Publishing your blog entry.

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Change my Diaper, Please

You didn't know I was wearing one. didn't you? 

Bu now the cat is out of the bag. And one more dirty diaper goes into the diaper bag. 

Thursday, August 5, 2021

People make some People Great

 I am struggling with this now. Was john Neihardt a great poet?

Much against my will, I have to answer: he was not.

He was a good man,n that much everyone knew. 

But when h died, everyone forgot about him. 

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Rulers who are bot Good for Their People

 This is very common, almost universal. 

Why? Because of the present situation, whatever you want to call it. 

Nothing is Consistent Anymore

This makes Life difficult - which is what it is supposed to do.

Making Life easy is forbidden. 

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Steve and Nichole

Steve is my Brother, and Nicole is his Daughter. 

She is an attractive woman, and her passion has been cheerleading.

This has made her attractive to some rich men, to whom was born an adorable little boy.

My brother was a lawyer. and should have used this talent to make her financially secure, in her own right.

But he did not. 

Fuck Fitbit

I know I am not supposed to use such filthy language, but that is how I feel: filthy-mouthed. 

First, I downloaded and installed the Fitbit app from the Google Play Store. This was easy.

Then I tried to join Fitbit. I got a list asking what I wanted to do: Sense, Versa3, Versa2. etc. No explanations of what these were. I had to ask Wikipedia what they were and got a long answer - indicating the different stages of Fitbit itself. 

I tried to charge the battery. I tried 3 cables and none of them worked. The port provided for the is non-standard and cannot be used.

A Person with a Car in a Poor Country

 Lives in Another World, and has to be Another Person, to prevent everyone from taking Advantage of You - which they will, You can be Certain. 

It's Human Nature to want to Push our Luck

Sunday, August 1, 2021

He said Good-bye to his Father when he was still a Boy

No child should have to do this, but John Niehardt did. 

I am reading his book All is but a Beginning, which he wrote in his Nineties, about his unhappy childhood.