Wednesday, October 31, 2018

The Intelligence Gap in America

Most Americans have little intelligence, consider that perfectly normal, and cannot see why they should have more. Since they can do everything they need to do, with no problem.

They cannot take a wider view of things, and consider bigger problems. Problems that would completely overwhelm their limited minds. They are just not smart enough for problems of any magnitude. So they simply deny that they exist.

The world these people live in however, is the product of very intelligent minds - especially in Software, where quantum jumps are being made all the time.

Navigating between these two types of people can be a challenge! You have to keep clearly in mind which space you are in.

For example, I am taking a course on Google's G Suite, that is stretching my 82 year old mind. The amount of free tools that Google provides here is amazing.. They really do want to help you do your job better, and to be more intelligent.

Artificial Intuition: The Improbable Deep Learning Revolution


I wanted to find out what Deep Learning was, and this book was free, and designed for someone like me - who just wanted to find out what was going on, but not go to the bother of actually using it.

He describes AI in great detail, pages and pages of it. Concentrating on Deep Learning - which is the best learning mechanism ever invented.

What I have got out of this book, is an enhanced awareness of the Intelligence Gap in the world. That I will be writing about, in this blog.

DevOps is showing us The Way


You probably never heard of DevOps, but it is a big part of your world anyway - the world of Software.

The guy who wrote this, calls himself Pauly Comtois, and you should take a careful look at his photo. He is wearing a business suit, with a white shirt, but no tie - and wearing jeans for pants. He is seated below what appears to be a hunting trophy. and is talking on the phone.

In this article, he is telling the world how to behave! And ends with a plug for a presentation he will make at a coming conference.

Men Dominating Women

This has been going on for a long time. And for most of the world's societies, this seems natural, and they defend it strongly. Even though half of those societies are women.

This seems strange, until you realize that people derive their values from their society. We are a very social species, and our social surroundings determine who we are.

Women in traditional societies consider themselves men, and they feel this way strongly. Women are weak (they feel) and they do not want to be that way. Biologically they are women, and they have their babies, but socially they are men.

"What about people who go their own way?" You may ask. My reply is simple: they are members of a different society, that they are part of - but most cannot see. And they are following its orders.

It is not unusual for a society to contain diverse elements - different societies inside it. And these may be at war with one another. And for individuals in these societies to contain these warring elements inside themselves. Quite often without their being aware of this at all.

Societies where men seem to rule, but women actually rule - are not uncommon either. And are the rule in the American Midwest - where I come from.

Monday, October 29, 2018


I got this book, written by Jane Austen, in the form an Audible book, which is a dramatization of the book itself.

Wikipedia has a fine description of the book, and its reception at the time (1814).

In Costa Rica. where I now live, this is the brand name of some contraceptive pills.

Americans were Pragmatic

Note that this is expressed in the past tense - Americans were pragmatic, not they are pragmatic. And the same could be said for the English - from whom we inherited our culture, especially our Industrial culture.

It may surprise you, to hear me say fine things about Industrialization and Capitalism. But there are plenty of fine things you can say about them. Mainly, that they made us rich.

This wealth was acquired at some expense: it made us put wealth ahead of people - and this was a serious handicap. But America at its peak, right after WWII, was the envy of the world. Other people would gladly put up with its disadvantages, to get its advantages. A new home in a suburb, with a new car. And the promise of more to come.

I was an Electronic Engineer (U of Illinois, 1959) and I had mixed feeling about all this success - and how crass Americans were. And I was not the only one, plenty of Americans felt the same way. But we were a minority, most Americans felt everything was just fine. And were very uncomfortable with those who did not.

This conflict materialized in the Sixties, where the Young felt differently than the Old. The Young lost this struggle, with its young men being sent off to Vietnam.

They lost this struggle, but they did not forget about it. And it simmered (unrecognized) just below the surface. And it contributed to the eventual downfall of America.

There has been enormous disagreement about this downfall, but everyone has agreed that it did happen. It was not a complete downfall, but it reduced America from being The Best, to being Some of the Best/

A change in status, Americans could not understand, but made them very nervous - and capable of flying off in various direction. Most often, violent directions.

The similarity between this and Fascism, in Europe in the Thirties, has been often noted. These people were highly stressed, and could not take the pressure.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Testing has to be part of the Software Development Process

But sometimes it is not.

I just tried to buy an Audible book from Audible. It used to be easy. You just bought the book, it appeared automatically in you Library of books you owned, and you told it to download the book to the device of your choosing.

Now, none of this works. You can buy the book (since it is a wholly owned subsidiary of Amazon) but it does not show up in your Library - and it is quite a hassle to get it there. But once it is there, you cannot download it, no matter what you do. You keep trying, but you get nowhere.

There is a point where it asks if everything is working, but this would take a long explanation - and you are not up to it!

Audible has no idea anything is wrong, and does not try to fix anything. You would like to fix it, by hitting it over the head!

I can buy a book from Amazon, with no trouble. I get a list of special Kindle bargains, every day (for $2 each) and sometimes these are Audible books. I can download and play either kind of book - with no problem.

Rage is so satisfying!

National Review - Rage makes you stupid

I sometimes feel this way myself - I can feel rage for nearly anything or anyone - or nothing at all. And it feels so good!

It takes a real effort to tell myself "You are acting crazy now - so just forget it, and get back to normal!

Comparing Emerson to Heidegger

I am reading The Complete Ralph Waldo Emerson - and comparing him to Heidegger, which I have read, and also read about.- not very favorably. He has been denigrated as the forerunner of all that is bad in modern society. I would be flattered to be considered so important!

Emerson begins with this poem:

A subtle chain of countless rings
The next unto the farthest brings;
The eye reads omens where it goes,
And speaks all languages the rose;
And, striving to be man, the worm
Mounts through all the spires of form.

He is not considered one of the famous American poets - but this is not bad!

I can now get all his works for $1.99, in the Kindle format. I am not sure if he would have approved of this, but that hardly matters - as he is dead and gone.

Crazy People are Poor Judges of the Sanity of Other People

There are many examples of this, because everyone is crazy in some way. But some are crazy in some ways more than others.

Lots of people are trying to analyze the latest craziness, that seems to be everywhere. And aren't doing a very good job of it.

Perhaps they should just admit, that making sense of it is impossible. And we can only describe individual cases.

I am thinking of a friend of mine, who works for an American couple, who rent their house, in a scenic area, on airbnb. They depend on her to take care of their house, and she does an excellent job of it.

If there are too many weeds, she hires someone to cut them down. If the rocks in the front of the house, are falling down the slope, into the river - she hires someone to put them back. She knows the area, and where to find the workers for each job. Something the owners, who are strangers, do not know at all.

Whenever airbnb gets a new renter for the house, they send her an email, telling her when they are coming. They rent a car at the airport, and drive to Turrialba, where the house is located. The drive is scenic, and descends through a coffee-growing area, through a potato-growing area, and through an area that grows ferns. This is a new crop, and it grows the ferns that are used in making flower arrangements.

She meets them in Turrialba (she speaks perfect American English) and shows them the way to the house. She does this by driving, in her car, back up over local mountain roads, where there are no signs to show them the way. When she gets to the house, she shows them around it. It is completely furnished, including some food in the refrigerator.

It has a good view of Volcan Turrialba (Turrialba Volcano) which can be seen from anywhere in the area, because is it so high. This volcano is not active, but produces a lot of steam! Rainwater seeps down through the rocks, until it reaches its hot interior. Where it turns into dirty steam, and heads back to the surface. This steam can be so heavy, it stops traffic at the airport - not too far away, in air miles.

This area is also used for grazing cows, and produces a lot of cheese. The cows get covered with mud, but they do not mind that too much.

Before she leaves them, she tells them she is their contact for anything they want in Turrialba. If they want to go rafting, for example (and the rafting is excellent there) she knows plenty of rafting companies.

She is running their business perfectly, but cannot run a business of her own. Whenever she tries to do that.she fails completely. And she has done this, a number of times.

This a good example of a kind of craziness - that can be an advantage, in some cases. She has lucked out, and found the perfect edge situation, for her.

Perhaps I should change the title of this to Muddy Steam from Volcan Turriaba. But I am crazy in my own way, and insist on approaching this from my own angle.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Blockchain on Azure


This stuff makes me wish I was 40 years younger, and back in Silicon Valley again.

But you young sprouts can get on this bandwagon yourselves.



This has to be one of the longest online articles I have ever read. You really need another article to explain it, the many characters in it, and their complex interactions.

Some sort of graphics notation, with hubs for the things involved - and links showing their interconnections. All clearly labeled. This technology exists, and is used to explain software systems.

Crypto-currencies are a strange mix of exotic mathematics and the ordinary people who are trying to use them. Not very successfully.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

The Study of Software is Useful

It is useful because it gets you a high-paying job But it is useful in more important ways as well.

It gave us a different way of  looking at things - because Software is abstract (nothing but numbers) and concrete also (it produces products that are changing the world).

No technology before it, was anything like it. It opened a new world, as important as the discovery of the Americas. And North America is where it was discovered and developed.

"But," you will say, "It has eliminated a lot of jobs!" True enough. The Industrial Revolution, once it got rolling, created a lot of jobs in Manufacturing - and created an affluent Middle Class. These jobs are gone forever, and people have freaked out over this.

The Computer was only partly responsible for this - but in people's minds, it has become one of the forces, that have brought them down.

Society must Have an Overall Objective in Mind

And it is important to discover what that objective (or objectives) are.

The alternative, is a society ruled by mechanical, impersonal forces. These always exist,,  but should not be the determining factor.

On my last trip to the States, I noticed something important - my relatives in Northern Virginia (in the DC area), who I stayed with, refused to think about what was going on, all around them. Something else was in control, and they were letting themselves be guided by that.

And it was making them rich, without their doing anything to help it along! All they had to do, was get out of the way, and let it run things.

What happened next was shocking. Obama was elected, with the assistance of his banker friends, and the Economic Crisis of 2008 resulted. It takes a lot of money to get elected nowadays, and they had the money. And he paid them back, by reducing banking regulations.

The American public had little idea what was going on, but they could detect corruption easily enough (trillions of dollars were being spent on a bailout)  and they did  not like it.

This was not their conscious reasoning, but their unconscious reasoning - and they went with that.

And elected Trump, by a landslide.

What happened overall, was more complicated than that, and its beginnings can be traced back as far the Protestant Reformation, and the teachings of Nietzsche and Heidegger. The overall result, was the rise of movements, similar to Fascism.

From JavaScript to Angular

I first tried to learn JavaScript, using JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts - The First 3.5 Hours. After watching the first hour, three times - I gave up. JavaScript is just too weird for me.

I am now learning Angular, with This is a higher level solution, that includes JavaScript as one of its components.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Why Democracy has not Worked Very Well

Because people have not worked together very well. And our latest technologies have made this even worse.

I am referring to TV and the Phone. Which provide instant gratification. Why take the time to read and think, when all the answers are prepackaged for you into complete lifestyles?

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Microservices are Fiercely Independent


I am not smart enough to write something like this, but I am smart enough to put it into a human context. And to show that we need make our technologies seem human, whether they are or not. This is shown clearly in the note - cattle, not pets.

And one more thing - the need to keep making it better, and faster. When we are not sure where we are right now.

What Business means to Me

It means some people taking advantage of other people.

You will probably agree, that it has meant this, and often still does - but does not have to.

I beg to disagree. People have always been on the lookout for themselves, at the expense of others. And this is unlikely to end anytime soon. We have to take ourselves, as we are - not as we should be.

And this means business dealings will continue to be ruthless - not always, but often.

Stupid is the Right Way to Be

And this applies collectively, as well as individually.

And I can point to myself, as well. I have done more stupid things in my life, than I care to remember.

It seems to me, that stupidity is part of the human condition. And we ought to recognize it as such, and try to minimize its effects. And we do, at various times - but more times, we screw up badly.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Ethical Concerns of AI


This is straight text, not the video with clever animations, it really requires. But all the information is here. 

Microsoft recently urged Congress to study it and oversee its use. Bradford Smith, the company’s president recently said “We live in a nation of laws, and the government needs to play an important role in regulating facial recognition technology”. What’s striking about this statement is that tech giants rarely advocate regulation of their innovations, so for Microsoft to be urging the US Congress to regulate facial recognition they must already see how this technology can be misused.

Building Artificial People


This guy, Supasorn Suwajanakorn, describes the latest amazing AI results, in a matter-of-fact way.

I had no idea this technology had advanced so far. It can make people that are better than real.

We do not want to make a better world

We say we do, but it is obvious, that we do not. Because if we did, we would behave differently.

But this is not entirely true - we are benevolent much of the time.

So it would be more accurate to say, on balance (looking at when we build a better world, and when we do not) that we do not want to build a better world.

We can live with this, because we have to. This is the way we have been forever.

And we might as well be realistic, and not expect us to make any big changes.

Where was Hannah coming from?

On the very first page of her latest book, she quotes Martin Heidegger:

Thinking does not bring knowledge, as to the Sciences.
Thinking does not produce usable practical wisdom.
Thinking does not solve the riddles of the universe.
Thinking does not endow us directly with the power to act.

With the Computer, and its Software - all of this, is no longer true. But she died in 1975, before this came along.

A Religious Leader for the Resisterhood


I'm with this gal. And I wish more people were too. But the times are not auspicious for her liberal approach.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Engineering School did not Teach me Engineering

I graduated as an Electronic Engineer from the U of Illinois, in 1959. And I worked as an Engineer for 20 years - or at least that was my job title. In reality, I did little engineering work, and was not expected to.

The world I was part of, was not working, and could be made to work. And engineering, in general, is the process of making the world work.

This has changed, as Software became important. Software does work, and is working better all the time. And not only that - Software companies, such as Google, want to make their people work better also.

The Life of the Mind

This is Hanna Arendt's latest, unfinished work - and in my opinion, her finest one. Check out the Wikipedia entry, summarizing her life.

I have been long convinced that most people cannot think, are not aware of this, and do not want to know, that they are not aware of this. This statement says a lot, and has to be carefully unpacked.

She attacks this problem from a different angle. But she died in 1975, and did not foresee the collapse of America later in that Century.

Chromebooks Suck!

I ought to know, because I just bought one of them - and it ended up in the trash.

I have been using KeePass for my password manager for some time, and I fully intend to keep using it.  My Chromebook claims to have a read-only version of this - but it doesn't work. There are many things that do not work on it.

I thought I would have two laptops using the Chrome browser - my Windows 10, and my Chromebook. But this didn't work out.

Microsoft still owns the Personal Computer. It used to be called the Evil Empire for its ruthless business practices. But it is now a Good Citizen of the Internet ecosystem.

JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts


The first thing this course  has you do is download and install the Brackets editor. It took me five tries, before I got this done - but it was worth it. 

One important effect of the Internet has been its impact on education. You can now get an good education in nearly anything (especially in Software Development) by taking online courses - that are free, or cost little. YouTube is full of them.

This reflects a huge change in Education itself - it wants to be free, and available to everyone! The more students it has this way, the more prestigious the organization, or person, sponsoring it is.

These courses are backed up by conferences, that anyone can attend, where you can see and be seen by everyone in the field.

This course is an excellent example of what can be done with JavaScript - something every Computer person needs to know about. Contrast it with the Wikipedia entry for this. The instructor is determined to teach you, exactly what you need to know - and does a good job of this.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

The Making of Mr. Putin

NY Review

I skimmed through this article, and copied parts of it, that are shown below:

He would have to renounce any defense of his “own opinion”—it could harm the cause. He agreed that the “personal” should yield to the “social.” Working in the foreign service of the KGB he had to remember the cardinal rule: don’t ruin relations with anyone, no matter how bad, who might come in handy. But at the same time one must not have any close friendships either: the moral obligations that might arise could conflict with the duties of service. A good worker should be utterly convinced that unquestioning fulfillment of orders facilitates the strengthening of the state that exists.

The KGB was looking for, and nominated, a man capable both of reformist thought and of recognizing the limits of permissible change. The KGB would never have chosen a rebel as leader. It needed a man who was able, and wanted, “to change without destroying.”

In short, he doesn’t have the experience of a politician—he has no record of public success or bitter defeat. Broadly speaking, he has experience in implementing the idea of strengthening the state, which has involved, among other things, implicitly trusting people whom he considers to have authority. In particular, this means that, on joining Yeltsin’s team, having won Yeltsin’s trust and been named his heir, he again found himself in the position of serving a “Corporation,” serving an idea, serving a system.

Putin’s first political demands were for “the dictatorship of law” and “the defense of the rights of property holders.”

One part of his beliefs A good worker should be utterly convinced that unquestioning fulfillment of orders facilitates the strengthening of the state that exists. Could also apply to workers in Silicon Valley, or those in the Trump administration. 

Friday, October 19, 2018

The Analog Computer

I took a course on these when I was an Engineering Student at the U of Illinois, in 1958.

The Engineering school knew about Digital Computers back then, but thought they were too different (which they certainly were). So it bought some Analog Computers, and trained its students (such as myself) on them. These contained vacuum tubes (also about to become obsolete) but small ones, that did not consume too much power.

If any Analog Computers still exist, they must be in a Science Museum somewhere. They consisted of a number of analog components - for addition/subtraction, multiplication. division, and differentiation/integration (for doing Calculus problems). These were connected together by cables (like telephone switchboards of the time).

When a student was assigned a problem, a big part of the answer (that he was graded on) was how all the cables were connected.

Companies are not People

This is an important point, that companies (or any organization) want to confuse everyone on. They will insist they are people, and must be treated the same as them. The American Supreme Court has even passed a ruling that says this explicitly.

The Military (of any country) also insists on this. They have a special status, that makes them as good as the Civilians - if not better. And they get more than their share of the National income.

I worked for the Federal Aviation Agency (FAA). as an Electronic Engineer, from 1960 to 1980. But I ended up working for every branch of the American military, most of the time. Because the pay was so good there, and the professional demands were so minimal.

We built Radar stations to detect Soviet nuclear bombers, that never existed.  For example, the FPS-35 . This could detect missiles lifting off in Cape Kennedy, in Florida! The Soviet Union bypassed the nuclear bomber (that Americans had, on the ready) and built ICBMs instead.

Meditation is Simple

All you have to do is stop thinking - and give your mind a rest. It will be grateful to you for giving it a break.

It's surprising how many people do not understand this simple technique. They think, to meditate they must be doing something - when just the opposite is true: they must not be doing something. Only breathe, and your body will take care of itself - automatically.

But this is precisely what most people cannot do - they must be doing something, all the time.  Otherwise, they panic.

They are human doings, not human beings.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

We now Worship Data

And by we, I mean the companies who depend on the stuff. They have to have a regular, dependable supply of a lot of it - to know where they are, and how well they are doing.

Or even know if they still exist. It is their eyes, ears, feet - and food.

I have entered old, old age

Being very old is not the same as being old, believe me. It's something else, and it is not pleasant.

Your body, and your mind, have given up - and are now concentrated on making your final decline, as respectable as possible. And not becoming senile, or helpless.

How well they do this, depends on the individual. But women are usually better at it than men.

Talking to People who are Not Here

I keep saying this, over and over - our biggest problem is not being here. This is such a simple idea, most people cannot grasp it. "What do you mean?" they will say, if they say anything at all. Usually, all I get is a blank look. .

You cannot explain something to people they have never experienced. Your words will mean nothing to them. Perhaps an example will help.

A few years ago, I discovered, to my surprise, that I was not interested in sex. When sex had always been important to me, very important. What was going on?  I don't know, but the more I think about it, the more I realize how fundamental this decision was.

My mind did not make it, that's for sure - but my body did. I wasn't just rejecting sex, I was rejecting a lot more - the whole culture I was in. And my body has a long memory.

Your response to this will be simple "That's your problem, fella, but what does it have to do with me, or anyone else?" My response is "One of our fundamental abilities, as humans, is the ability to decide what we want to do - and if we do not have this ability, we are not human, we do not exist."

We may look like people, and act like people, but inside we are empty - and we become depressed, and even suicidal. We ask ourselves "What's the purpose in living?" Or "Why go on?"

Or we look to other people, to give our lives meaning. And we are not too particular about who we choose. At one time, the Germans chose Hitler - and recently Americans have chosen Trump. Not very smart choices, but they were desperate.

I could reason with them, but I would be wasting my time, and theirs. Reasoning is not done, in their world, and they have no desire to start doing that.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Television has Stopped People from Reading

This has been known ever since Television was introduced in the Fifties.

And is one of those things most people have forgotten. Including most people who should know better.

I just finished reading The Making of Mr. Putin. In this book review, she mentions the many influences affecting the Russian people. Without mentioning TV, even once.

Why? To answer this, we have to apply the same technique she uses on Putin. A lot happened in the transition from Communism to Russia. And one of the ingredients in this toxic mix - was the smiling face of the Television.

Deleting my Google Cloud account

I got this message in the mail.

I went here to delete my account. Do you understand this? I don't.

This is a good example of how advanced the GCP is. It makes perfect sense to them - but not to me.

What are some key ways to automate and optimize data science processes?


The last line of the bio caught my eye:

Kavita holds a Ph.D in Text Mining, Analytics and Search from the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign.

I graduated from there, in 1959, before Data Science was invented - and women were never seen on the Engineering campus. 

She knows  what  she is talking about. 

Good for Business, Bad for People

The Business I have in mind here, is the kind of business created by the Industrial Revolution - that was something never seen before, or since. It was sometimes called Capitalism.

I don't know when it began, because that was long before my time - but I do know when it ended: about 1970. It peaked out, in America, in the boom years after WWII - that I can remember well.

Back then, the Industrial Midwest, produced most of the world's manufactured products - now it produces nothing, and is a vast Rust Belt.

Bear in mind, that this is the largest part of the country, stretching from the Appalachian Mountains to the Rocky Mountains. But not in the South, after the Civil War. The implications of this collapse would be profound, far into the future.

Millions of people would be rendered useless, because there was no demand for their manufacturing, or agricultural skills. But strangely enough, they were not aware of this, and still are not aware of this!

The earth had shifted, below their feet - and they noticed nothing. A new kind of people had arisen - not noticing anything. And, in fact, not being anything.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

My financial maneuvering

Has been intricate this month.

But it has paid off, I have adequate cash on hand (in Colones, worth about $30) and $31 in my Wells Fargo bank account. Nicely balanced, huh?

Last month, I miscalculated, and took more out of the bank then I had in it. This month, I used my calculator carefully. They really do work.

What’s getting Agile down?


Leading agile demands a different skillset from leaders. It demands different leaders.

The world has changed fast, and where the old world of “command and control” used to be acceptable — go away and do this and come back to tell me when you’ve done it — the move from a team that needs closer support (or scrutiny and micromanagement to some) to a team that can look after itself, has caught many off guard. Agile teams need to be exactly that, agile. The overhead can be reduced, and in place of managers and micro managers, we need a new type of leader. 

Servant leaders, who understand how to empower teams, have a service mindset and are in tune with unleashing team potential, and understanding the sweet spot between flow, quality, value, and team wellbeing.

Social Security is lying to me, yet again

I thought I had reached a breakthrough, when I did a search for "Social Security email", and came up with a link I could click on. What I got was a form, asking me to define my problem. Which I dutifully filled out.

What I got in response, was a promise that I would hear from them. So far, several days later, I have heard nothing.

What should have happened? I should have gotten an immediate automatic reply, thanking me for my input, and giving me a response number I could have referred to. But I got nothing.

The email address was a dummy, a blank wall behind which nothing existed.

WIRED is a good place to Browse


I started my browsing right here this morning, while I drank my morning coffee. The interviewer was skillful, and the panelist knowledgeable.

One click later, I was here , and one click more, I was here.

The only thing that darkened my day, was the realization (in the back of my mind) that the vast majority of people will not go here, or anywhere close to here.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Sound in Windows 10

The sound on my Windows 10 laptop, is giving me fits. Right now, only the headset is working - a headphone with microphone attached to it, that plugs into a USB jack, The microphone output is not working at all. 

I have tried to fix this using the Control Panel (that is supposed to fix everything) but so far, it has frustrated me completely.

No Turning Back: Life, Loss, and Hope in Wartime Syria


I came across this by accident. I was listening to my Audio books, and this was in them. Then I looked through my Kindle books, at it was there too.

In any case, I can hardly believe it survived. The writer is very explicit, naming people, places and times with abandon.

You could probably say this was in event in the Arab Spring - and we know how that turned out.


We might as well admit it, we are the only living beings, who have to ability to become insane.

We can become this way in an endless number of ways, individually or collectively.

Probably because of our incredibly complex brain, that gives us a range of unique skills (such as language) - and also insanity, when things go wrong.

But whatever the cause (if there is a cause) we have it, and we always will. And we have to carefully remember this.

In any contemplated course of action, we have to ask "Is this insane? Or insane in some ways?"

This brings in the subject of Religion - which can be insane also. An insanity that is very attractive, to many people. I came from a religious family myself - and for my parents, their little church was everything.

And also Love. Before I married Beth, I should have asked myself "Is she crazy?" And perhaps I did, but I married her anyway, and was treated to five years of an insane marriage. That ended two years after she got rid of me - with her suicide.

Some forms of group insanity can be very widespread, and can include nearly everyone. An individual in a situation like this, has to be a genius to survive.

Silicon Valley is a situation like this. It is crazy on a large scale. But parts of it (the latest Software parts) make perfect sense. If you can concentrate on them, you can survive.

The Valley has two parts - and one part is destroying the other, so it can rebuild it. And you have to be careful not to get caught in the destructive part

Sunday, October 14, 2018

One Big advantage of a Career in Software

Much of your training you can for yourself, using free courses - and attendance at conferences.
The conferences are not free, but you can meet everyone there who matters. And get them to help you in a number of ways. 

But you have to be the kind of person who can do well there - young and smart, and a fast learner. 

The Wired Manifesto

I just got the latest copy of Wired Magazine, celebrating the 25 years of its existence (1993-2043 ). One of the magazines I never ask for, but get anyway. They are mostly advertisements, but advertisements are now so common (in politics, for example) they seem to be a direct manifestation of our culture. Here is the Manifesto:

Why Wired? Because the digital revolution is whipping through out lives like a Bengali typhoon, while the mainstream media is groping for the snooze button. It has dealt with the complexity of being a media organization optimistically covering the forces destroying media.

One word is important here - optimistically, Probably the only people writing about the Web, who are.

Being Wonderful is Being Nothing

But being nothing takes some explaining. It's not as simple as you might think.

You have to spend some time with these people, to get a feel for what they are like. You soon realize they are not simple at all, and don't want to be.

You cannot say they are bad, and you cannot say they are good. You cannot say, they are anything at all. Exactly the conclusion, they want you to come up with.

Because under that confusion, they can do anything they want - and get away with it!

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Social Security online ( can't be used, if you live in another country

I reside in Costa Rica, and I have an ID card from here (my Cedula), that identifies me down here.

But I use a post office box (in Cartago, the nearest large town) when dealing with my American Social Security, back in the States.

I opened my box recently, and there was another Social Security form in it, requesting my latest information. They had sent me the same form earlier, and I had replied to it, and got a receipt for sending that letter, from the Costa Rica post office. I didn't keep the receipt, because I assumed the letter had been delivered.

I was wrong. The Post Office here is defective, in a number of ways. And for that reason, it is not used much for mailing anything. Companies use local delivery services (guys on motorcycles) instead.

To get anything (mail or packages) from the States, I use A company that gives me an address in Miami. When it gets anything there, it flies it to Coast Rica. If it is a package, it runs it through Customs, and then charges me for the whole thing. It's not cheap, but it is reliable.

I thought I would go online, but quickly found this was impossible. Its forms assume you live in the States.

John Dewey and Education


I am now taking this course on John Dewey, from, and this is the first page of the text. Let me know if you cannot read it.

It gives a good overview of his methodology.

We take the Milk intended for Baby Cows

I am a big consumer of milk myself, so what I am saying here also applies to me.

The Cow is one of the most successful species we have domesticated. The Horse has also been important, and the Pig, and the Chicken - but the Cow gives us milk, and also meat.

People and Cows are both Mammals. We feed our young, from milk produced by the mother. Our first emotional bonding occurs at the breast of our mother.

But baby cows are treated differently - they are often killed, soon after birth. Or they are fed milk substitutes, and raised for their meat.

Our attitude towards our domesticated animals and plants (with the exception of our pets) is one of our strangest characteristics. We use them as we please - with only the slightest feelings of guilt.

A war of minds: beyond 2001-18


Much of the work in running a blog, is already done for you. All you have to do is chose from all the things that come your way - a large number, it is true.

One thing Paul Roger assumes, but doesn't state explicitly, is that Americans have lost their minds - and many other people also. What we have going on, is a war were people have lost their minds.

A strange kind of war, to say the least.

We have Abandoned Reason

And I include myself in that number. 

When I was working in Silicon Valley, in the Nineties - I completely lost my mind. And now I have recovered it somewhat (mainly by living in saner society), I can see I was not the only one to lose it

Americans lost it, when they elected Trump. But the buildup to that fateful event began much earlier - in alterations to their thinking

They looked around them, could see little in the world they inherited that they wanted, and concluded (somewhat erroneously) that its defects were caused by its use of reason. And they opted for a number of solutions, that did not include reasoning. Or used defective reasoning.

Most prominent among these was the decision to not exist. This was a huge decision, and it was protected by the fact, that few noticed it was happening. No one could blame them, if anything went wrong - because they were not there

And, not surprisingly, a lot of things went wrong. 

Friday, October 12, 2018

The Test of a Civilized Society


This a rant by a guy that calls himself umar hague. But it's a good one.

I'm giving him a little help by referring to this on my blog.

Little Credit Card, I did not know I could Love you so much

I have a poor head for money, but when I can't get any at all - I go berserk.

Today, I got my credit card, but I did not get enough money to pay all of my first-of-the-month bills - including my rental payment.

Tomorrow, I will make a quick trip to the next town to get some more.

For some reason, the dominant bank here, Banco National, does not accept Wells Fargo credit cards.

Soldiers in Facebook’s War on Fake News Are Feeling Overrun

NY Times

I hardly know what to say here - I am looking at a world so far from my own.

I was in the Philippines once, back in the Seventies, and was fascinated by the place. But it has changed so much, I would probably not recognize the place now.

In any case, this is full of important information - in world that has too much of it already.

What hath the Computer given Us?

There are two ways of looking at this question - from inside the Computer (the hard way) and from outside it (the easy way).

The easy way is given by The Rise and Fall of American Growth, one of the books I am reading. It notes that the discovery of the computer, has not contributed to the rapid growth that happened from 1870-1970, where everyone benefited from the many innovations happening during that time. No one can argue with this conclusion.

The hard way is getting inside the Computer, and figuring out just what makes it so successful for - Apple, Amazon, Google and Microsoft. And for people like me, who have joined the Computer Revolution. We have a different view of things - and can feel the excitement of creating a new world, for ourselves. It may also be profitable, but that is a side-effect.

It is easy to divide the Computer Ecosystem into two groups  - the money-oriented and the technology-oriented. The two coexist, but uncomfortably.

This can be seen clearly, by looking at Facebook - a very popular, and profitable company, that forms a big part of many people's lives. With a multitude of problems, many of which cannot be solved. Because it tries to keep its feet in both camps - the money-oriented, and the people-oriented. The two do not mix very well.

The Computer has brought out, in bold relief - a very old problem, between getting rich, and being good. God and Mammon. Basically, a religious problem.

With a new wrinkle - People have realized the advantages of not being, and they have switched to this modality, with a passion. As far as I know, there is no solution to this, because it is not recognized as a problem.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

The Dark Core of Personality

Scientific American 

We all know people who consistently display ethically, morally, and socially questionable behavior in everyday life. Personality psychologists refer to these characteristics among a subclinical population as "dark traits." An understanding of dark traits has become increasingly popular not only in psychology, but also in criminology and behavioral economics.

Even though psychologists have studied various dark traits, it has become increasingly clear that these dark traits are related to each other. This raises the question: Is there a unifying theme among dark traits?

Why all the kids who want to be a different gender?

Something strange is going on here. Boys want to be girls, and girls want to be boys. Why?

This indicates to me, that something is wrong - but everybody else insists, nothing is wrong. Everything is perfectly normal.

Bullshit. Something is terribly wrong, and it's not hard to see what it is. People are living lives they are ashamed of. And their children are ashamed of.

They want to be something different - and a gender change, is any easy way to be something different.

I will be specific. I know a mother who had a son, she spent a lot of time with. But she developed an intense interest in another woman, and lost interest in her son.

Her son became a girl, and an attractive one at that. A change the mother ignored.

The daughter has since disappeared.. She is in another relationship, I am sure - but I have idea what kind of relationship that is, or where it is. And I am afraid to find out.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018


This is how the pill is being sold in Cost Rica. As a secret between two women!
The brand name Emma, makes it sound like an American custom - which of course it is.

Dante was not Interested in his Wife or Children

He mentions everyone he could possibly think of - including himself, many times. But didn't mention them, even once.

Obviously, he didn't think they were important!

A Really Good Thing Happening in America

NY Times

This sounds too good to be true, but it's real enough. Anything I could say about it, would only waste your time.

Take a chance, click on the link, and read about it for yourself.

The Dysfunctional Family

When I was growing up, this was never mentioned - but they were present everywhere.

By the Nineties, they were recognized, at least in Silicon Valley, where I was working. Everyone was the product of a dysfunctional family - and they were fortunate if it was not a severely dysfunctional family, that made it impossible for them to hold a job.

Everyone was crazy, in one way or the other, and their fellow-workers had to recognize these shortcomings, and work around them.

If these shortcomings were too wide-spread, if most people had them - coping with them was difficult, and for many people, impossible.

This was my situation in the Valley, where the true way was lost (to quote from Dante). The Java programming solution, had been developed by Sun Microsystems but few understood it, or were using it. Eventually Sun Microsystems went out of business itself.

I was part of a Men's Group, composed of Silicon Valley professionals - and we had our own therapist. We spent most of our time discussing our dysfunctional family backgrounds - that were truly awesome.

There was a meditation center, called Spirit Rock, that was part of the Valley. It announced that it was going to find a solution to the problem. by having a special session, composed of its best meditators. The solution never happened, and this attempt was forgotten.

Eventually, about 1210, the Computer Industry got itself sorted out, and only Apple, Amazon, Google, and Microsoft were left. Hundreds of companies went out of business. Startups were common, but usually failed in their basic objective - that was usually. to get rich fast.

Software Development turned out some truly remarkable solutions. But they remained inside the Software Ecosystem. The larger world around it, continued to destroy itself.

Monday, October 8, 2018

How ATM machines work in Costa Rica

I am figuring this out, the hard way, after an ATM machine took my credit card, and kept it.

Banks in Costa Rica (such a Scotiabank) have ATM machines inside their buildings, or right next to them. But there are also ATM machines owned and operated by other companies, located in other places. These are used to dispense cash from credit cards.

When a user inserts his credit card, and asks for money, the machine contacts the bank that owns the card, asking if it has that much in that account. And if it does, it tells the bank it is removing that amount from the account. It then dispenses that amount of cash, to the user, from its private stock, inside the machine.

It is functioning here as an Internet of Things device (IoT), that are becoming more common all the time - but also have many problems. As I found out myself.

I went to Scotiabank to get my credit card back. And they have contacted the company that owns and  operates the ATM, asking for my credit card. Four days later (one banking day), I have heard nothing.

People have Become Stupid

But they don't want to know about this.

Perhaps stupid is not the right word, but it will do as a placeholder for something more complex (not complicated, complex).

Whatever this is, it is building a new world - and is starting by destroying the existing one. Hopefully, this will be a better world, but there is no guarantee of this.

Right now, destruction is prevalent, and we have to pay most of our attention to that. We are strange creatures, but we do have the ability to focus our attention. Often on the wrong thing.

We should be paying attention to the destruction that is going on, because it is trying to tell us something (in fact, many things).

It is trying to make us understand ourselves - the last thing on earth we want to understand. We are trying to answer this by saying "We are too stupid to understand this." When this is not the case at all.

We are not stupid, but crazy. But not all the time. Some of the time, our minds clear up, and we can see clearly.

All we have to do, is pay attention to those times.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

At Home in the World

This is a review, of a book that I have greatly enjoyed.

It could also be considered a exposé, concerning events in her life, and that of her father (an alcoholic) and her mother (who married him to the intense disapproval of her Jewish family).

I just finished reading about how she snuggled into her mother's bed, and exchanged passionate kisses with her.

She was also married to J.D.Salinger, who wrote The Catcher in the Rye.

Money in a Bank Account, is better than Money anywhere else

Drug dealers in America discovered this right away. Drugs are sold for cash, usually $20 or $100 bills. They had boxes full of these bills, that were useless for them, because what they needed for their business, was a way to pay for solvents they needed to produce their drugs, back in South America.

These solvents, standard commercial products, were made by American companies, and were paid for by bank transfers, from the buyer's bank to the seller's bank. They would not accept payments from from strangers, loaded with boxes of cash.

This money had to be laundered, and converted into bank accounts. Southern Florida was soon home to many bank accounts of mysterious origin. The Feds tried to eliminate these accounts, but the banks complained - and as a result, most of these accounts remain. And Southern Florida (including Miami) has a boom economy.

Money laundering also goes in in Costa Rica, but not very much of it, because Costa Rica does not have that much money. I was doing my weekly shopping in a WalMart store in Cartago, when the woman ahead of me, paid for her groceries with a $100 bill. The clerk had to get approval for accepting this, but the approval was readily given. They didn't ask for her ID or anything, and she walked out with her groceries.

WalMart will give the $100 to their bank, and the bank will add that to their account. That is money-laundering!

Trouble in Lakewood


This is a page out of my own life. I had moved to Southern California from the East Coast, in 1967 - at the insistence of my beautiful, but crazy wife. I was crazy myself to have married her, but not quite a crazy as she was. I was an Electronic Engineer, at the time, making plenty of money, working for the Military, that paid for our move to California.

In 1980, my career as an Engineer ended, when the Vacuum Tube was replaced by the Transistor. And our marriage ended, when my wife had a complete mental breakdown. Three years later, she killed herself.

I changed careers, and became a Technical Writer, and worked for a number of companies in Ventura County, Las Angeles, Orange Country (several times) and then San Diego.

These frequent job changes were seen a normal at the time. I was in Los Angeles (I can't remember exactly why) when the Aerospace boom ended, and the market was flooded with unemployed Aerospace Engineers. Southern California had became a disaster area.

This article details that disaster, that was also part of a national disaster - that marked the last of the 20th Century. It's a long read, and comes at at time when few can read anything so depressing.

I moved north to Silicon Valley.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Dante and Angular

I am listening to class about Dante's Divine Comedy - and I am taking a class about Angular. And I cannot but help, noticing the similarity between the two. 

Dante you probably know about. He wrote one of longest poems in history - about his trip to Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven. And manages to include nearly everyone else in history in this story. You really need the two instructors for this course - to guide you through it yourself. 

Angular is described for you in this Wikipedia entry. There are plenty of courses for this also, but all of them I have tried are defective. This one,, (which is also free) seems to be doing a good job. But it is stretching my mind. 

That is why I say it is similar to Dante - who also gets his mind stretched, as he goes on his pilgrimage. 

5 Tenets That Will Establish Mutual Trust Between Humans and AI

Inc. Magazine

This is good stuff. And should counter the charge, that I am an impossible pessimist.

Some people are trying to make the world better - using AI to help them.

The Smiling Tortilla

I had one of these for breakfast this morning. It's a corn tortilla, dressed up with a smiling face, with a label below it Food Service (in English). Ticos often mix their Spanish with English, to make it sound better. Every shopping center has its Food Court, for example. 

The eyes on this are focused on you, and seem delighted to see you. 

The Mass, as expressed by the People

Is also expressed in many other ways - such as mass production and mass entertainment. And even mass ignorance of what is going on.

"Can it be any other way?" You might ask. The answer is clearly yes, and it is obvious - working in smaller, more practical, more pragmatic ways.

We have had more grandiose plans - Capitalism and Communism. But they were too much. And collapsed under their own weight.

It's time we tried something man-sized

Being Bad is More Fun

It really is, and there is not much we can do about that. And I will even take this further - destruction is more satisfying than construction. And this is what the world is doing at the present time - destroying itself.

And this process is moving faster all the time, because of its own internal messages - that keep saying "More, more!" and "Faster, faster!"

That is really all I have to say, and all you have to know. The world is in really bad shape. It's useless to ask "What is the solution?" because there is no solution.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Internalizing Beauty Ideals: The Health Risks of Adult Women’s Self-Objectification


I am not sure if I should add this link to my blog - because it is so academic and hard to read. Its references go on and on. I certainly would not recommend it to my sisters.

Take a quick look at it, and see if it is right for you.

The Struggle for Status

I am not the brightest of social observers, and it just occurred to me, to take this into consideration. And I am realizing how important it is. And how it effects everyone I know - including me!

My Father was an expert in manipulating, what other people thought of him. Mostly other people in his RLDS church - that as far as he was concerned, were the only people who mattered. He succeeded somehow, I am not sure how, in making himself an important person there.

He thought he was important, and somehow other people came to agree with him. This was a religious community, and this made this transference of opinion much easier. I can remember, from my childhood, that the church was full of self-important people.

This must have looked ridiculous to outsiders, as they were called - but they were polite enough to keep their opinions to themselves.

In the 19th Century, people were not so considerate. They were violent, and this resulted in the death of their founder Joseph Smith, and many of his followers.

I lose my Credit Card

What a day yesterday was!

I went to Cartago, the nearest large town to do my weekly shopping. My Wells Fargo account had been replenished by Social Security on Wednesday, the day before - so I decided to use my credit card to the get cash I needed for the rent.

I was also raining, not too hard, but enough that you needed to use an umbrella. I had a small one tucked into my day-pack, that should have been good enough. But I could not get it to open properly. As a result, I was getting rather damp, trying to get a taxi in Cartago. When it rains, taxis are hard to get.

But I did get to the Walmart store where I do my weekly shopping. It has a much better selection than the stores in Orosi, where I live. It also has an ATM, where I could use my credit card to get the cash I needed. I inserted my card, and started to go through the process of getting my cash - but the machine shut down, and displayed an Out of Order sign - with my credit card still in it!

So I took a taxi to the Scotia Bank that owned the machine, and waited patiently to see a teller. The one I got, could speak no English, but one that could, quickly came to my rescue, and listened to my sad story. She said they would retrieve my card from the ATM machine, but that might take several days.

She would send me an email, when they got my card at the bank, and I could get it then. This means another trip to Cartago on the bus! But she did show me how to open my umbrella, so I would not get wet on the walk to the bus, that was not too far away.

I have enough cash on hand, to last me for at least a week, so I am in no immediate danger. Just worn out from all the hassle.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

People who Became Robots

This was a gradual process, beginning with the Industrial Revolution - when people merged with their machines, and became different creatures entirely.

When I reached a working age, in the late Fifties, everyone worked in Manufacturing or Transportation. Or Electronics, so I became an Electronic Engineer, where the pay was much better.

I was vaguely aware that some kind of transformation was going on, in my world - but for the life of me, could not figure out what it was. Even now, it is hard for me to state what it was.

Only one thing was clear - people were not wanted in this new world. But something different, that I now call robots.

I can explain this best by a much later invention - Software. In this ecosystem (to use its own terminology) there are objects, and the rules, that govern how they behave. And there are the Software Developers (or Programmers or Coders) pulling the strings, behind the scenes, who decide how everything must work.

I'm sure you can tell this is strange new world. And you are probably not sure, how you fit into it. I was not sure myself, but I determined to find out. And what I discovered, is what I am writing about here, in this blog.

But my discovery is something you do not want to know about. But something you have avoided knowing about, with all your strength. And may knock you flat on your ass, once you know it.

People have made the ultimate adaption to their technology - and become robots.

I will explain each of these terms, in the postings that will follow this one.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The Growth and Collapse of the American Nation

I am not too sure of what I am saying here - but I take that as a sign of the strength of my position. It is not possible to be certain of political matters, that are always confused and uncertain.

But the broad outline of what I am saying, is certain enough. At the end of WWII, America was the strongest nation in history. This is not true now, sixty years later. I think we can all agree on that, if we cannot agree on the details.

What we cannot agree on, is the seriousness of deterioration of the American nation. Is it in really bad shape, or not?

And here something amazing comes to light. America has become divided into two nations - or perhaps even more. And despite our desperate attempts, it is not possible to define what these separate communities are.

We can only say - they are kind of like this, or that. America has become kind of like this or that.

Is this a serious problem? It might be, or it might not be - but it is confusing.

Life in a Complex World

Open Democracy - Entrepreneurs of hate

I picked this article because it was so inadequate. It does a good job of describing what hate is, while saying nothing of what causes it.

And this complicated causation must be operating in our unconscious, individually and collectively. Where we can only guess at what is going on.

I repeat that - we can only guess at what is going on. But it must be a reaction to what is going on around it. And what is going on, in the world is complicated, and even worse, complex - where everything affects everything else, and is affected by everything else.

"This is the way it always has been," you will say. And you would be right. But this is shocking news to people used to a simpler way of thinking of things. That was conditioned by the Industrial Revolution - that changed us completely.

It made us rich, and at the same time made us poorer, mentally. Unable to understand our world.

But we have come up with a simple explanation - "Something out there, is out to get us!" And this explanation seems to fit perfectly.

I could go into a long explanation, at this point, of how our brains work, and how our emotions can easily take over our thinking. But you can see, for yourself, that this is happening. 

And you can also see, there is no easy way out of this situation.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Why am I Interested in Dante?

Because my teachers are interested in Dante, both of them. They work together very well, and they both convey an intense interest in the man.

For 30 minutes, even I am interested in him, and his crazy poem, that goes on forever.

We should be More Social

I am reading John Dewey again, and this is one point he keeps making over and over. And, I am sure, one point that irritates his readers, over and over. And caused his fall from an important person, early in the 20th Century. to someone not so important in our time.

People got tired of his lecturing at them - trying to make them better. They did not want to be better, and in fact, did not want to be at all.

Being Good for Everyone

I was once working in Silicon Valley in the Nineties, for a company called Adaptec. This was founded by an immigrant, who arrived in America with only $20 in his pockets. He built his company, from scratch, into a successful company worth millions.

I knew a number of successful people who were that way, in the Computer Industry, in the Eighties and Nineties. They had built their companies, by making a new technology successful. Their success attracted people intent on taking that success away from them - and using it for themselves. The worst kind of people.

As a tech writer, I often ended up working for them - a situation I did not like at all, but was powerless to change. There were therapists in the Valley, in unlimited supply - any kind of therapist imaginable, and more were being invented all the time. I turned to them, thinking I was the cause of my trouble, and they could help me adapt to my situation.

They were no help at all. All they had to do, was note what I was up against, but none them could do this.

Adaptec was going through a crisis, because adapters were becoming unnecessary. They were used by the first Personal Computer (PC), that was about 3 ft/ tall, 2 ft. deep, and a ft. wide. They could not do much, out of the box - and you had to add adapters to them, to make them do anything else - such as access the Internet.

They were being replaced by the Laptop, that had all this already built in. In a much smaller package.

Adaptec should have simply gone out of business, but instead it was taken over by the Vulture Capitalists, I mentioned before. No one noticed this, it was done so cleverly. But the new owners were getting rich. And the people working for them, were making good money also. While benefiting only themselves.

I saw this going on, but could not understand it. But instead worked for Startup after Startup - all hoping to get rich fast - at the expense of everyone else.

The Industry was going through a huge shakedown, that would result, in the next twenty years, in hundreds of companies disappearing.

Only a handful would be left - Apple, Amazon, Google, and Microsoft (who went through huge changes itself).

These companies were doing something that could not be imagined before. Making Software that would be good for everyone. It also made them rich, very rich - but benefited the Industry even more.

A new economy has dawned, that left many people poorer than before. And they have gone to leaders, who promise to fix everything for them. And them alone.

Monday, October 1, 2018

People who Do Not want to Read

And do not want to know this. Because such an admission, would be too embarrassing.

As one who still reads and writes, almost too much, I find this hard to understand. But I find it my duty, to bring this to everyone's attention. "Look here, people you do not want to read!"

Part of the reason for this, is probably our use of the Phone, whose small screen is not suitable for the display of text. There are new apps that overcome this handicap, that display text in narrow widths,
and scroll vertically.

I can see this in the Washington Post article on my Fire tablet, about the Return of the MIGHTY MINIVAN.

I cannot link to this directly, since two different devices are involved. I recommend you subscribe to the Post, who you can also see on your Laptop, and your Phone.

46 Years Ago, I Left Yale for J.D. Salinger—This Fall, I’m Returning


This is an interesting combination - a fashion magazine with some intelligent, advanced content.

I can remember when her memoir At Home in the World came out. It was a sensation, but the revelations she described. between her and Salinger, were taken as literature - and not taken any further.

I have read the Preface to the 2013 Edition, and I recommend that you do also.

The Effect of the Computer on Capitalism

I consider TV and the Computer to be part of the same movement. Both have had an overwhelming effect on our world - including most of all, our inability to notice this. We now live in a new world, but are ignorant of what goes on there.

Consider first, the amount of Information we are bombarded with, by the TV. Far more than a human being can absorb, or make sense of. I have watched as people close to me, have become addicted to this information overload, and cannot get along without it.

And for most, the Phone (a miniature computer, with an Internet connection) has continued this addiction. The Phone gives its users everything, and turns them into super-persons.
I prefer using a Laptop, that has a much larger screen, and gives me access to the programming behind it. I am learning the Angular application platform, that is introducing me to a new way of integrating the user with the computer.

This is something of a shock, for me, and I can hardly believe this new world I am being introduced to. And I can understand why most people prefer to avoid it, because it is taking them too far into the future.