Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Good for Business, Bad for People

The Business I have in mind here, is the kind of business created by the Industrial Revolution - that was something never seen before, or since. It was sometimes called Capitalism.

I don't know when it began, because that was long before my time - but I do know when it ended: about 1970. It peaked out, in America, in the boom years after WWII - that I can remember well.

Back then, the Industrial Midwest, produced most of the world's manufactured products - now it produces nothing, and is a vast Rust Belt.

Bear in mind, that this is the largest part of the country, stretching from the Appalachian Mountains to the Rocky Mountains. But not in the South, after the Civil War. The implications of this collapse would be profound, far into the future.

Millions of people would be rendered useless, because there was no demand for their manufacturing, or agricultural skills. But strangely enough, they were not aware of this, and still are not aware of this!

The earth had shifted, below their feet - and they noticed nothing. A new kind of people had arisen - not noticing anything. And, in fact, not being anything.

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