Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Men Dominating Women

This has been going on for a long time. And for most of the world's societies, this seems natural, and they defend it strongly. Even though half of those societies are women.

This seems strange, until you realize that people derive their values from their society. We are a very social species, and our social surroundings determine who we are.

Women in traditional societies consider themselves men, and they feel this way strongly. Women are weak (they feel) and they do not want to be that way. Biologically they are women, and they have their babies, but socially they are men.

"What about people who go their own way?" You may ask. My reply is simple: they are members of a different society, that they are part of - but most cannot see. And they are following its orders.

It is not unusual for a society to contain diverse elements - different societies inside it. And these may be at war with one another. And for individuals in these societies to contain these warring elements inside themselves. Quite often without their being aware of this at all.

Societies where men seem to rule, but women actually rule - are not uncommon either. And are the rule in the American Midwest - where I come from.

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