Thursday, October 25, 2018

Society must Have an Overall Objective in Mind

And it is important to discover what that objective (or objectives) are.

The alternative, is a society ruled by mechanical, impersonal forces. These always exist,,  but should not be the determining factor.

On my last trip to the States, I noticed something important - my relatives in Northern Virginia (in the DC area), who I stayed with, refused to think about what was going on, all around them. Something else was in control, and they were letting themselves be guided by that.

And it was making them rich, without their doing anything to help it along! All they had to do, was get out of the way, and let it run things.

What happened next was shocking. Obama was elected, with the assistance of his banker friends, and the Economic Crisis of 2008 resulted. It takes a lot of money to get elected nowadays, and they had the money. And he paid them back, by reducing banking regulations.

The American public had little idea what was going on, but they could detect corruption easily enough (trillions of dollars were being spent on a bailout)  and they did  not like it.

This was not their conscious reasoning, but their unconscious reasoning - and they went with that.

And elected Trump, by a landslide.

What happened overall, was more complicated than that, and its beginnings can be traced back as far the Protestant Reformation, and the teachings of Nietzsche and Heidegger. The overall result, was the rise of movements, similar to Fascism.

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