Sunday, September 30, 2018

Political Decisions are Being made by Advertisements

Every day, I get desperate emails asking for donations to buy advertisements. But not a single one explaining, in some depth - who they are, and what they are trying to accomplish.

They seem to feel (probably correctly) that the voter will not take the time to bother with getting to understand them.

I have a politician in my family, a member of the legislature in the State of Iowa, who was reelected recently,  but when I sent him an email, asking for news about him - he never replied.

And the rest of my family seemed to feel I was intruding on his privacy, to ask such a personal question. They felt he should be left to change his policies, to suit the circumstances.

Being Superhuman and Being Nothing

People know instinctively that they should be something - but are in fact, nothing. And this bothers them. 

But this does not explain what I mean when, I say they are superhuman, or think they are superhuman. This attitude was acquired late in the 19th Century, as part of the Industrial Revolution. And was even formulated explicitly as the Ubermensch (or Superman) by Nietzsche.

People became greatly affected by their machines - and became like them, themselves. This was not good, for the part of them that remained human.

This brings up another subject - thinking and learning. It is the function of the human mind to think, and to learn - and always has been, until recently. When a strong reaction to this has set in - leading to not thinking, and not learning - by most people.

The rest of us, can do little about this, but carefully keep out of it, ourselves.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

What John Dewey Thought

Democracy and Education: an introduction to the philosophy of education
No too long ago, I mentioned to my Sister, who has taught at the University level, that I was reading about Dewey. She replied that she was certain she had learned something from him - but could not remember what. And evidently had no interest in knowing what she had learned from him!

She is a typical American, in that regard - they don't want to know what anyone has thought, or is thinking.

I decided to learn about Dewey for myself, and downloaded the referenced book - for free! 

It's a marvel of simplicity - but takes the reader where they probably do not want to go.

Toward an understanding of themselves.

Brexit has revealed the Northern Powerhouse as a colonial enterprise

Open Democracy

There is some important information here, but it needs to translated for American readers, who will have no idea what it is talking about. Indeed, as an American living in Costa Rica, I have only a limited understanding of it myself.

Americans inherited most of their culture (along with their language) from England - which became the UK, having absorbed Scotland into its ranks. This was a very complicated process, one which the Brits themselves, have a hard time understanding. 

WWII ended with the destruction of the British Empire, and Britain is now the poorest country in the EU, since it has no oil.

America had plenty of oil - in fact, it was discovered there, in Pennsylvania. In the ensuing one hundred years, or so - most of that oil was pumped dry. But its credit was excellent, and it is now the world's leading debtor nation.

And, as the Financial Crisis of 2008 showed, the country posing the greatest risk to the Global Economy. 

Intelligence is not Inherited

But can it be taught?

I do not know the answer to this, having never been a teacher myself. But I suspect the answer is rather involved. 

Learning involves learning from other people, and if the other people one is exposed to do not have a particular skill, one is unlikely to acquire it on one's own. 

However, there is something new under the sun: the Computer, and its Artificial Intelligence. And I am asking myself "Can this be learned?" And once again, the answer is mixed. For most people, the answer is clearly "No! They have no interest in learning it."

But there is small number, who are busy learning it - and are making it better and better. So much so, some people have become alarmed. and think these geeks (with their new, improved intelligence) can take over. 

As one of these, I am flattered - but having spent some time learning this (and understanding this) myself - I think the real problem facing us is different. 

We do not understand ourselves. A problem as old as ever. 

Friday, September 28, 2018

Dante for 99 cents


I am listening to an online course, on Dante's Divine Comedy taught by two instructors, who have taught the same course in a prison setting. I am also reading it on my Amazon Fire, and I can switch easily between listening my laptop and reading it, on my Fire.

I can only listen to it, for half an hour at a time, more would overwhelm me - and no doubt the prisoners felt the same way. But it's easy to take in small doses.

After a while, I wanted to read it for myself, and found this translation on Amazon. It is composed of stanzas of three lines each, organized into Cantos. Right now, I have reached the fifth Canto - and believe me, it is rich stuff.

He wants to drag in everyone, that has existed at anytime. A modest person he was not.

Software Development involves People talking to People

I am doing this myself, because I am learning about a new product from Google, called Angular. Google has provided a series of lessons, showing you how to use it. And so far, the lessons are excellent.

They have to be, because if developers do not use it, it won't be much good. Google's reputation is on the line. They have to make me look good, so they will look good.

This is very different from how it was a hundred years ago. Then, anyone could grab anything, and use it anyway they wanted. And not worry about how it affected anyone else.

Those innocent days are gone forever. I refer you to News Site to Investigate Big Tech, Helped by Craigslist Founder.

What the hell is going on here?

Tico Tamales

Tamales are Latin American food, and each country makes them differently.

The main ingredient is Masa, corn flour - but almost anything else can be added to it. Most commonly pork or chicken.

In Mexico, they are wrapped in corn husks. But in Costa Rica they are wrapped in the leaves of the Platino, a close relative of the Banano - and I am sure you know what that is.

The fruit of the Banano is sweet, and is sold all over the world. The fruit of the Platino, is not sweet, and is usually fried, before eating. And is consumed, in some parts of Latin America.

I bought my Tamales from a vendor, who patrols the streets, with his loudspeakers blaring. I wanted to see if I liked them. I did. The taste is a little different, which is what you would expect.

And I can say, truthfully, that I have become more like a Tico (a citizen of Costa Rica).

Thursday, September 27, 2018

The First Step Down, is deciding Not to Go Up

For me, a giant step downward was the decision, in the Eighties, by the rich and powerful, to use the Computer to enrich themselves - at the expense of everyone else.

Using the Computer to enrich everyone, was an idea that never occurred to them - until late in the game, about 2010. By then, the hundreds of computer companies had been reduced to a few - Apple, Amazon, Google, and Microsoft.

What made them different? They knew how to cooperate, and use each other's products. They wanted to make the Computer better - especially its Software.

The progress made since then, in Software, is unbelievable.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Here’s how to fix America’s painkiller problem — without leaving pain patients behind


I have a sister who has serious pain problems. In fact, one of her doctors (she has a number of them, keeping her alive) is a pain doctor. She is very interested in what he can do for her, and (it seems to me) is dependent on him, for how she feels about herself.

I would like for her to read this article from Vox - but she would just take a look at the illustration, and look no further, it's too complicated for her to even consider.

She is not a stupid person - in fact, she is a typical person for her age and location (in her Sixties, in Southern Texas). Her doctors are willing to perform some expensive laser surgery on her back (twice, in fact) but are not willing to try the alternative therapies mentioned in this article.

The Epidemic of Not Being

This, it seems to me - is the Big Problem the world faces. 

We are used to ordinary problems, cause by people acting wrongly. But this one is caused by people not acting at all. They have found it very convenient to not exist, and not be responsible for anything. 

Mostly because no one will fault them for being this way. 

They have demanded that something else be in control - not them. And sure enough, a number of other forces have appeared, to satisfy their demand. None of them beneficial to the people themselves.  

We have always assumed, people will act in their own interests. But we have discovered - they are just as likely, to act against their own interests. 

And they are not choosy about the nature of this self-destruction - as long as this goal is attained. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Winning the War versus Winning the Peace


The Computer wars are over - thank God! They went on from 1980-2010, and hundreds of companies lost their lives, during that period. Companies that should never have existed, in the first place.

This is now referred to as Creative Destruction. It was destructive, all right - but not very creative.

Trillions of dollars were wasted in useless infighting. And stupid projects that produced nothing.

The Mass Psychology of Trumpism

London Review of Books

What this article says, is obviously true.

But it does not include the many people who have chosen to not exist - as their ultimate solution.

Azure Sphere Development Kit


Why am I telling you about this? Click on the video and see for yourself.

Microsoft has come up with a clever way make the Internet of Things, or IoT, secure. This involves the Microsoft cloud, Azure - and a special chip to include on the devices themselves.

AI Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley, and the New World Order


This book was published this morning, and I downloaded it to my Kindle readers - for $.99!

The author is Chinese-American (born in Taiwan) and has the advantage of being literate in Chinese. Probably Simplified Chinese, that the Chinese government is pushing.

To my surprise. he does understand what AI is. Having done graduate work on that, in American universities.

He then moved to China, and is an investor in Chinese AI companies. This is a very difficult transition, that most Chinese-Americans have not attempted. They know how ruthless it is there, and they have stayed away from it.

He explains why China is the rising power in AI. They are taking American discoveries, and applying them to their situation - millions of people, already using the Internet (and the Phone) to do everything imaginable.

They do not have the best AI researchers - these have stayed in the US and the UK. But they have plenty of second-rate researchers - who can learn, very quickly, from them.

Monday, September 24, 2018

People taking care of Each Other

This is a common sight in the small town of Orosi, where I live.

Usually the caretaker is an older person, taking care of a child. It may be their child, or someone else's.

In some families, the children take care of each other - the oldest child taking care of the next oldest, and so on.

In our house, Ray takes care of the house - and me also. I could not survive without his help navigating the CAJA bureaucracy.

The CAJA is the Costa Rica public health system - that is low cost, but doesn't always provide the best of service.

That is why I use my own Dentist - she doesn't cost much, but her work is excellent.

The Tyranny of People who do not Exist

This, it seems to me, is the problem of our times. Many people have discovered the enormous advantages of not being. And they are exploiting these advantages, cleverly.

Their primary advantage, is that few realize that this condition is possible. "How can people not be? Most people ask."

This is the question I will answer in this posting. And I will begin, by defining what people are, and what they are not. Fair enough?

Many people will answer "No! What people are, cannot be defined, by you or anyone else."

Or, if they are religious, they will answer "People have a soul, given to them by God, and He has given this to no other being.

Or, they will identify with their Economy, and consider themselves Consumers.

In any case, what they are, is not determined by them - but something else.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

J. Paul Getty Museum


If you are like me, you are not the least bit interested in Art. But sometimes it pays to expand one's horizons - and this is an excellent way to do this.

They are only interested in what other people are interested in

And they are exquisitely sensitive to what that might be.

This is explained by Social Intelligence: The New Science of Human Relationships that shows how our brain works, to make us Socially Intelligent - or just the opposite.

They have produced a Defective Product

And they do not care.

I noted this frequently, when I worked in Silicon Valley in the Nineties. The companies I worked for turned out defective products - and never gave this a second thought.

Twenty years later, beginning in 2010, companies began to consider ethics. The companies that were left, that is - mainly Apple, Amazon, and Google (and Microsoft, in some of its products). All the other companies (hundreds of them) were gone.

Had the world become more ethical, during this period? No, but Software Development had, because what it was doing had changed. And this takes some explaining.

Some Software practices became universally accepted. And any new practices have to be compatible with them.

For example, I am now learning the R programming language, because I am taking some DataCamp courses. It has clever exercises, in their learning environment, that teach you have to use R, quite painlessly.

It is saying "If you want to be successful, in Software Development - you have to do things this way." You will not die, if you do not - you will just go out of business.

Hundreds of new startups still try to do things their way - and they go out of business.

I just ordered a power battery card for my digital camera - that does not work. And the manufacturer, has not bothered to apologize. They took my money (I bought it from Amazon) and they gave me nothing in return. Hopefully, it will go out of business also. taking my $10 with it.

Rape in Arlington, Texas

Washington Post

The first reaction to this article will be "It's too complicated for me to understand!"

Which, I am sure, is just a way of saying "I don't want to go into this filthy stuff, whether it is true, or not!"

Which is another way of saying "Don't you know who is running things? It is us, and we are messing things up - to our heart's content!"

That night Wyatt was buoyant, thrilled and on the young side for the night’s crowd, mostly juniors and seniors. She had a natural beauty, golden-skinned with long, dark hair. She had always been athletic and happiest on teams, playing soccer and participating in competitive cheerleading. She was wildly sociable, with A’s and B’s in school and an overwhelming urge to be liked. She was earthy and indelicate, not remotely shy; friends came easily, and she leaned on their approval. Arlington cheerleaders were, by many accounts, a hard-partying crowd, and Wyatt partied with the hardest of them, drinking with her friends and occasionally indulging in drugs such as Xanax and marijuana.

One thing this article does not mention, is the presence of many lies - on many levels. Lies on top of lies. Meant to disorient the viewer. And for the most part, they are successful. 

I did not grow up in Texas, I grew up in Ft. Madison, Iowa, from a religious family. And I was completely familiar with its own kind of lies. And how disorienting they were. But I never accepted them. 

I cannot pose as someone better than others. I wasn't. I was just different, and that difference made a difference. 

Saturday, September 22, 2018

They don't want Good Computers

And by they, I mean most people.

Ortega y Gasset discovered the Masses in 1930. But never put his discovery to good use, and didn't even recognize it when Fascism took over Spain, his own country - forcing him to spend WWII in South America.

Forgive me, for such a long-winded explanation - but he did discover a new kind of social interaction, that also affects our attitude toward Computers. The Masses (which are most people) have reacted strangely to the introduction of the Computer in their lives.

They regard it as competition, that they do not want. And for that reason, do not want to make them better, but want to keep them as they are - or even make them worse, if they could.

Now that I have put that down, in black and white - I can see a kind of logic in it. Or maybe a kind of anti-logic.

There is a switch in our brains, I think, that can easily flip us between the two kinds.

Chelsea Cain Returns

The Daily Beast

Something important has been going on in the comics.

I remember my Father preaching a sermon on this, back in the Fifties - holding some comics, to make his point. Everyone thought this was just one of Dad's eccentricities (he did have a few) - and didn't take him seriously.

If they could have seen what they have morphed into now:

Man-Eaters probes societal fears of the female body through the perspective of a 12-year-old girl at one of the most horrific, awkward times of her life: her first period.

Maude, the girl, exists in a world where nearly everyone is infected with a parasite mutation called Toxoplasmosis X. Most never manifest any symptoms. But pubescent girls, if left unchecked—or if unaffected by the menstruation-blocking chemicals the U.S. government injects into cities’ water supplies—transform into feral, powerful cats prone to mauling their neighbors and families.

But, more importantly, this is about the Comic Book Industry - and its insidious effects on everyone. 

We live in a complex world (not just a complicated one) where everything affects everything else. 

Who can blame us, if we are not crazy?

Understanding Computers helps me Understand Myself

Computers (or more accurately, the Software that runs them) are completely rational. Almost to the point of stupidity. But taken as a whole, they are intelligent, in a strange way.

As I consider this paradox, I am forced to consider my own strange situation. Where I sometimes act rationally - and sometimes irrationally. Or, to use Dante's terminology, I am lost in a Dark Wood - and have no idea of how I got here, or how to get out. 

Friday, September 21, 2018

Is Brazil about to elect its own Trump?

Washington Post

I wonder if Latin American countries should respond differently to allegations of corruption. Which are common everywhere, but in Latin America (including Brazil) they often result in politically-motivated jail sentences.

America however, has done the same thing, only worse. The US invaded Panama, captured its dictator Noriega, and put him in a Federal prison - for drug dealing. When a few years earlier, he had been an agent of the CIA - helping them to arrest international drug dealers.

This whole issue of drug abuse has been a thorny one - and has resulted in more incarcerations, in the US, than any other. And many deaths in neighboring Mexico. I am reminded of a comment made by one of the Presidents of Mexico. "Poor Mexico, so far from God - and to close to the US!"

We do not penalize the users of Alcohol or Tobacco, very dangerous drugs. But for some reason, take offense at Opioid use disorder. that is basically a medical problem.

We’re Primed to be Addicted to Social Media


I'm not sure what to make of this. Plan on spending a lot of time reading it, and rereading it. Maybe even thinking about it.

Most of space in this article is occupied by series of paintings, from the 18th Century, all by the same artist, I never heard of before. He must be making a statement by using these paintings, and he should add an end note, saying why he is using them.

I will end by copying his subtitle here:

Networks are the internet’s black holes, and trolls are its dark energy

My Sisters are Not Feminists

I am reading On Lies, Secrets, and Silence

This is a feminist rant - and she really goes at it, hammer and tongs.

But she is preaching to an audience that cannot hear her. My two sisters among them. They are typical American women, and only hear what they are supposed to. No Feminism for them!

The Existence of Evil

This is a subject that needs to be faced head-on. But instead, it is avoided, by any means possible. And this avoidance seems to be getting worse. Which is another way of saying things are really getting bad.

When I go on a rant like this, what kind of response do I get? Nothing, or maybe "Look, I heard this before, don't you have something new to say?"

Most people are pre-wired to tune messages like this out. No bad news for them! They want to feel good. And if this means missing some important information - this is not a problem, but proof that they are the right kind of person.

But let me return to my subject, and note that Evil exists only in the Human Condition. It is something we invented ourselves, and exists nowhere else. We are responsible for it - and, in fact, cannot live without it.

Research has been done on the Human Brain, and how it affects the Human Mind. This assumes Evil can be located there. In the way our neurons operate. No way.

It exists only in the realm of ideas. Including Religious ideas. That have a reality of their own.

This what we need to emphasize - the existence of an alternative reality, that is the home of ideas.  This does exist, and is what makes us human.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Social Intelligence: The New Science of Human Relationships


I bought this Kindle book for $2.99 - picking it from a list that Amazon sends me every day! So far, it is the best book I have bought this way.

It goes over the list of things that now make relationships between people difficult, such as TV watching..

It's basic point is that our Social Brain makes us social - no matter what. Good relationships make us good, but bad relationships make us bad.

How the Next Downturn Will Surprise Us

NY Times

This article makes sense to me.

Today the markets are even larger, having grown to 360 percent of global G.D.P., a record high. And financial authorities — trained to focus more on how markets respond to economic risk than on the risks that markets pose to the economy — have been inadvertently fueling this new threat.

How Software become Important

This took awhile, about 30 years, from 1980-2010 - when finally people realized its importance. Because it was running their lives.

People were not too bright here. Their world was changing around them - but they refused to notice this.

This change was made possible by huge advances in Computer Hardware. We went from the Vacuum Tube to Solid State and Integrated Circuits in only a few years. Digital processing replaced Analog.

And people sat in the middle of all this, and noticed nothing. They were in shock, but did not realize this either.

I can say what I have just said, in 2018, looking back at it, while I sit in my pajamas, in from of my Laptop, with a fast Internet connection.

But at the time, I was almost as confused as everyone else. Except I was determined to figure things out. Few people were.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

They do not want you to know too much about them

This is a surprisingly common concern. They want you to be their friend - up to a certain point. When, all of a sudden, they don't want you to be their friend at all. You become their enemy instead.

You are left wondering what this hidden secret is - that is so terrible.

This is the plot of many novels and plays - what is this horrible secret? Everybody else wants to know also.

I must give credit to Scaling Knowledge Access and Retrieval at Airbnb for putting my brain cells to work on this esoteric subject.

I have subscribed to DataCamp

I did this because it was so cheap, and because Big Data is now - everyone tells me, where I should be also. How can I argue with everyone?

Maybe you also should try DataCamp, if only to see the clever way their online teaching works. It assumes you know nothing, and holds your hand all the way.

One way to improve conditions in a Poor Area

When I worked in the DC area, in the Sixties, I attended the Unitarian church there. It was located in one of the Black Slums, that cover the DC area. This church paid for a social worker to visit the women in the area, and teach them contraceptive techniques.

She discovered they were already using a vaginal spray for this, and found it effective. It was not completely effective - but it was good enough. And it was inexpensive.She then worked in the neighboring areas, teaching them the same thing.

The church thought it had made a good investment, in the money it paid her.

A World that is not good for People

What happens when mental health professionals also get sick?
The war on global poverty ‘hangs in the balance’
I continue to wonder what is wrong with the world. But I keep coming up with the same answer - it is not good for people. And these two articles, that happened to be in my inbox this morning, are saying the same thing.

The first focuses on the UK and the US. The second on Africa - that is in truly bad shape.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Dewey on Education

I am reading John Dewey and American Democracy

And have arrived at the time when he joined the University of Chicago, and started his own school.

This, for me is the most interesting part of the book - as it was for him, personally. The city of Chicago was where

Every conceivable thing solicits you, the town seems filled with problems holding out their hands, and asking somebody to please solve them - or else dump them in the lake.

I hardly need say, one hundred years later - these problems have not been solved. Although enormous efforts have been made to do so. Including efforts by Barack Obama himself.

What Do We Actually Know About the Economy?

NY Times

This article has been resting in my inbox for some time - and now I want to give it some more weight, by referring to it here, in my blog.

It is wonkish, as he says, but I can wade through it, without too much trouble. And I think you can too.

It made me lookup the City University of New York. That I never knew about before.

They Resent Email

I just finished my morning's email, in a minute or so, using my laptop, and didn't find it it a bother. It was just mail, in a new, more flexible format.

But many people, I am sure, feel differently about it. And seem to feel, it intrudes on their private lives.

That's just a guess, but when you are faced with behavior that makes no sense, you have to do some guessing. What I do know, is that different people, have very different attitudes toward the email that they get. Sometimes, they can assign it to the trash, without giving it a further thought.

When you happen to be the person who sent it, this does not strike you as a friendly gesture.

I have a cousin, the oldest daughter of my father's sister - who throughout her life, refused to use a computer. This would have been too much of a change for her, and she did not want to make it.

The Computer has made a big change, That most people do not understand - and do not want to understand.

We are stuck between two worlds, not living fully in either one.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Soccer Mom Hate


This is something I had to think about for awhile. I had to stop and give my eyes a rest, several times - because the text was getting blurry.

She knows what she is talking about - I don't doubt that for a minute. But she is not speaking of my Mother - who was a Midwestern Mom. A common type that no one is writing about, because the subject is so unpleasant. I'm not particularly anxious to write about it myself. But for reasons that are not clear to me - I will.

A Midwestern Mom is simple to describe - she is simply the worst. For her husband, and her children. Her husband dies before she does - often much earlier. And her children live in a state of unconscious terror, all their lives. They will insist, either their mother was perfect - or refuse to talk about her at all.

The Worst Part is in Control

And we don't want to know this.

Just when we need to be our smartest, we we are strongly encouraged to be stupid, and know nothing. Including, most importantly, that we are being destroyed this way.

"You are being so pessimistic! You may be saying." True, but some good things are happening too. Right where you are not noticing them, in the Computer ecosystem.

I am sitting here, looking at my laptop, that is displaying a number of tabs, on the Chrome browser. Each one of them, contains something important and useful - such as the Blogger app I am using to write this. And another app that is teaching me the Java programming language. And another, where I can listen to a course on Dante's Divine Comedy. And an opinion article in the NY Times ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ Is a Myth.

But most people are not seeing this, because they are looking at their Phones, that don't show them much, because their display is so small. The world has become divided into people who use Laptops, and people who use Phones - to get the vital information that we all need.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

How Congress Can End the War in Yemen

NY Review

On July 3, PBS News Hour reporter Jane Ferguson was in Yemen covering the world’s worst humanitarian catastrophe. She spoke with Dr. Ali Al Motaa, a Yemeni professor, who told her: “The missiles that kill us, American-made. The planes that kill us, American-made. The tanks, Abrams, American-made. You are saying to me, where is America? America is the whole thing.”
He wasn’t exaggerating. Five weeks later, Saudi planes bombed a school bus full of children heading back to school from a picnic, killing forty children and eleven adults. According to a CNN report, the bomb that hit the bus was made in the US. The Saudi government’s official response to widespread international public outrage was to insist that the bombing of the school bus was a “legitimate” military action.

The Wall of Silence has Descended Upon Us

You have all been there - you are having a pleasant conversation, when all of a sudden the other person goes blank. and doesn't want to talk anymore. Or changes the conversation so skillfully, you didn't know it had been changed.

You have tried to penetrate a wall that cannot be broached. Any penetration would feel like rape or seduction to the other person. And they will often remember it that way - even if it hadn't happened that way.

To make Democracy work, People have to Think

I am appalled by all the requests for political donations I get in my email.

They usually say they will use the money to buy advertisements that will get them the votes they desperately need.

The voter, they assume - is an impulse buyer, who does not think, but acts on how he feels at the moment. And a clever advertisement, will push the hidden buttons, that will cause him to act.

I can compare this to the votes garnered by the political machines that used to operated in every large city. They knew their voters intimately - and could dole out the benefits they wantIed. They were corrupt, but they worked.

The Pendergast machine, in Kansas City - even got Harry Truman elected.

Is there another way of doing this? Yes, and Clair McCatskill (a senator from Missouri) is doing it, with my support. I am giving her $25 a month.

I got an email this morning Claire is my shero. Written by a woman suffering from sickle cell anemia. She will lose her insurance benefits, if the Republicans have their way. 

Saturday, September 15, 2018

The End of the Soviet Union and the End of the USA

I am listening to a course about the History of Russia. Right now, he is describing Gorbachev. And the changes that he affected.

He has also made an important point. Looking back at that time, we can see how the collapse of the USSR happened, but at the time no one saw this happening. And I mean no one.

And I can see this happening in the USA. It's time has clearly ended - but no one can see this.

The Independence Day Parade

Today was Independence Day in Costa Rica, and they celebrated it in Orosi with huge parade, that made a lot of noise, and lasted a long time.

I thought about taking pictures of it - but this would have been too much.  You had to be here, and see it for yourself.

But I can make one cogent comment. The parade was about the participants, who were advertising themselves - and taking pictures of themselves, with their Phones.

It had nothing to do with Independence Day. which they were not interested in.

The Enterprise and Me

I was part of the Enterprise all my working life - and I did not like it. Not at all, because it was always unethical.

I became an Electronic Engineer in 1959 (from the U of Illinois) and worked for the FAA, until 1980. The FAA was a Federal Agency, as its name implies, but was also part of Big Business - now renamed the Enterprise, to make it sound better;

This always had a problem with ethics - even now, when the Computer has taken over. And the problem has always been simple to state - Greed. Everyone wants to grab what they can, at the expense of everyone else. And this situation has gotten worse, in the 21st Century.

Consciousness and the Unconscious

In my old age (70) I have been forced to think about this, whether I wanted to or not. My sense of balance has been impaired, and I can no longer ride a bicycle.

Our sense of balance requires some conscious thought - perhaps at the border line between the conscious and the unconscious.

I have found some conscious processing to impair my sense of balance - but so far, have not been able to predict which activities will do this.

For example, I went to my closest grocery store to buy some hand soap. I found it easily enough, but  when I got to the checkout lane (there was only one of them) another customer was ahead of me.

She had a shopping cart full of groceries, and it was taking a long time for her to scan all of them. I had to stand there, and wait for her to finish.

This is a common occurrence down here - standing in line, waiting for something to happen. And I never thought anything about it. But I was getting tired, and my internal batteries were being depleted.

I have found this analogy useful - having internal batteries. With old age making them smaller.

In this case, I simply went home with my little bag of soap - and got one of them ready for my next shower. But I will be more careful in the future, and shop where there are multiple checkout lanes.

There are two other grocery stores in town, and this will not be a problem.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Mind your Mind

Where I picked up this idea, I don't know - but it's a good one.

I'm a moody person, and I am often surprised by the moods I get into. Many of which, I would rather not know about. And I am sure, this is why most people do not want to know about themselves. If  they do not know about their inner feelings, they cannot be held responsible for them. They think.

This is one of the problems with Democracy - people are motivated (strongly motivated) by beliefs they know nothing about - and don't want to know about.

In the Seventies, I was involved in Gestalt Therapy, based on the ideas of Fritz Perls. Ideas he changed frequently. His students went to Eselen every year to learn his latest healing techniques. During my time there, I never heard the unconscious mentioned. This was something they did not want to think about.

How can we discover what is in our unconscious? By paying attention careful to our actions, and by encouraging other people to also pay attention to them. This however, is the last thing they want to do.

They want the exact opposite - the repression of individual feelings and beliefs, even a violent repression of them. Because they are dangerous to the established order.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Software feels more Human to me, than Hardware

The switch from Hardware to Software, is the big event of our time. And one few people understand.

The Hardware economy and the Software economy are two different economies. They benefit two different kinds of people.

Hardware people are being put out of work, because their skills are no longer necessary. And this is happening in a short period of time - in about fifty years.

But let me return to my statement, that Software feels more human then Hardware, to me. This is not true for most people - because they have no idea what Software is. In fact, it feels like a foreign force to them. and they resent its presence.

I can illustrate this, with a story of my friend Carol. I met her at a nudist colony in Silicon Valley. It was actually a clothing-optional place, and we were fully clothed. I was attracted to Carol. because I could see she was her own person.

And to make long story short, I hired her as an editor, when I was working as a Technical Writer. She was an excellent editor - I could just turn out a rough draft, and she would turn it into a polished document.
And most important to her - she had a job that paid well. She was dead broke, and sleeping in her car.

We became friends, dated for awhile, and I got to know her. I tried to make her an online editor. But for her, this was impossible - whenever she thought about using the computer, her mind would become useless. For her, everything had to be done on paper - nothing else would do.

She was a Hardware person.

Democracy is not Working

Because too many forces are working against it.

Now that I have said that, it is reasonable to ask: what are these forces? And I run into huge difficulties, because they are difficult to describe. They are powerful, but cannot be easily analyzed.

They have a strong emotional appeal, but have bypassed our logical minds completely.

I can see this a matter of religion, including the religion of my family - Mormonism. That was a product of the Second Great Awakening, and Industrialization early in the 19th Century. A religious event and an economic event, and the two affected each other. To create a complex that is hard to describe. But can be easily seen - all one has to do is point at it, in all of its manifestations.

But the people asked to see this, can easily say "I don't see it, you must be making this up, just to scare me!"

We are now, well into the 21st Century. And the forces that have shaped us, are different. But the result is the same - people are not interested in Democracy. And something similar to Fascism, is on the rise.

And most people cannot see this.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

High Stalinism

This refers to a period in the USSR, from the middle to the end of the Thirties. That was probably the most repressive and violent in Human History. Stalin was responsible for more deaths than any other person, including Hitler.

And at the same time, the government tried to make people happy! Quite often successfully. Many people were content to accept the increased consumer goods - and the many activities, such as dancing to jazz music, and the many movies that were also designed to keep people happy and contented.

Americans do not Think Much of their Children

Because they are are not much. Their parents have careers, and are a success - they have neither.

Their parents, however do not know this, or want to know this. This is part of their society's self-destruction, that they are also unaware of.

It does seem to me that the human species is going through a mass extinction event. Just this morning, DelanceyPlace featured a book showing how Mass extinctions have dominated the history of our earth: Origin Story: A Big History of Everything.

Like every other species that ever existed, we are unaware of this. Or at least, most of us are.

I downloaded the Kindle version, and I must say the Introduction is quite optimistic.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

This little baby has two families

Its mother's family and its father's family. Fortunately, the two are compatible. and they share expenses.

I am speaking of my friend Yami's granddaughter. The last time I visited her, her daughter was very pregnant. And I am sure that process has concluded satisfactorily.

Small children in Costa Rica are loved intensely. And if a woman does not have one herself. she can easily take care of someone else's. Plenty of babies to go around, and more arrive every day.

Google Announces General Availability of Cloud Text-to-Speech


I wish I could say I understand this - but I can only grasp the general outline, which is amazing enough. Computers can use speech to talk, and understand speech when they hear it.

This spoken speech is so natural, a person cannot tell if a person or a computer is making it. And they can do it in many languages, and dialects. American English, or British English - for example.

And this capability is available on the Google Cloud. You can rent whatever speech capability you need, and pay for just that much.

Microsoft claims Windows 10 can do this - but it can't do it very well, at least not yet.

How Daniel Ortega Became a Tyrant

Foreign Affairs

The author of this article, Gioconda Belli, has been one of my favorites for some now. And she describes this complicated series of events accurately.

Not all stories end happily, and this one certainly does not.

People's Attitude toward Other People

When I moved to Costa Rica in 2001, I was hugely relieved to live in a country where people liked other people. They were poor, but they were friendly.

Americans do not realize how unfriendly they have become. And they are not interested in knowing how unfriendly they have become.

I could end this posting right there - and maybe I should end it right there. But I want to push it a little further. How did this strange situation develop?

Here I can refer to my hometown of Ft. Madison, Iowa. A living laboratory of how things went wrong. And I can start with the Fifties, when Ft. Madison was a thriving Industrial town, with the Santa Fe Railroad on the West End of town - and the Sheaffer Pen Company on the East End town.

It is now part of the Rust Belt of America, where nothing is going on. Because no one wants to live there. Why doesn't anyone want to live there? Because there are no jobs there, and no new jobs in sight.

Didn't anyone see this coming? No, they just got out, as my family did, in 1947 - when we moved across the river to Nauvoo, Illinois. My mother's hometown, a beautiful fruit-growing area.

Monday, September 10, 2018

I worked for the last American robotics company

This was in Silicon Valley in the Nineties. Right now, I can't even remember the name of the name of the company.

It was formed by two engineers from Stanford University. One of the engineers did the Hardware, and one did the Software.

When I joined the company, it was still making its robots - but not selling many of them, because they were expensive to make. I took one look at their Software, and could tell it was a mistake.

The company had no future. the Japanese robotics companies, that used a better technology, were putting them out of business.

I tried to tell the company about this - but they fired me instead.

This became a pattern - I worked for company after company, that was doomed - but didn't want to know about it.

Of all the companies in the Valley (hundreds of them) only a few survived - Apple, Amazon, Google, and Microsoft.

I just thought of a better title for this posting - Silicon Valley was built on the Graves of Hundreds of Companies.

The Computer was first seen, as a way to Make Money

The Computer was first seen as a way to make money - and only later, as a technology in its own right, that should be developed to make it better.

The money-grabbing scenario lasted from 1980 until 2010, with considerable overlap between the two.

In 1995, the Internet was invented - and it went through the same changes. First, as a way to make money (pornography being a prime example) and then as a new technology to be developed in its own right.

The Java programming language appeared - but at first, no one knew what to make of it. They were  still obsessed with making money - and not with the technology itself.

I should have jumped on the Java Bandwagon, and become an expert on that. But everyone was pointing in another direction - toward OOP (object-oriented programming). And I was not smart enough to know the difference.

For you, dear reader I will make this difference explicit - money is not everything. And to concentrate on that, is to get on the wrong track - and end nowhere.

Getting nowhere used to take centuries - but nowadays it takes much less time. Voters will complain about this change (that they do not understand) and elect leaders that promise to Make America Great Again. Who will take them nowhere.

The Will Power Needed to Remain Conscious

This was demonstrated to me today, by a dramatic incident. I lost consciousness, fell down, and injured my arm.

Two nice people had to help me get to my feet, and I walked for a short distance to a bakery, where they made me sit down for awhile and drink some sweetened water.

I had drained my internal batteries, and didn't have enough power left, to do much of anything.

For me, comparing Battery Power to Will Power, is a useful analogy. Especially when the effects of Old Age are taken into account. We get weaker as we get older - and we get weaker all over.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Svetlana Alexievich

New Yorker

I have her book Secondhand Time: The Last of the Soviets, in the Kindle edition.

For me, all the writing about her (such as this article) is more interesting than her writing itself.

This article (a book review) makes her bigger than life. An amazing accomplishment.

They Cannot Understand


It seems to me, we have become divided into those that can understand - and those that cannot (the vast majority). My family belongs in this second category.

I have asked my younger sister to think about this preexisting condition problem - since it applies to her, because she has so many of them. But instead of letting her do her own thinking - my brother and older sister have jumped in (with both feet) and answered for her.

They can see nothing wrong with this, they are making sure the truth is being heard - and it does not occur to them, that other viewpoints are possible.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Learning R is Not Easy

I know, because I have just got the runaround on this myself.

I downloaded and installed R and then RStudio. Everything seemed to be fine. Then I tried to install the package learnr. And it said: package ‘lrarnr’ is not available (for R version 3.5.1)

I'm not sure exactly this means, but I am sure it means - No R for me!

My Dentist Rebuilt one of my Teeth

I have an excellent Dentist, and when I was last scheduled to visit her (once every three months), she spent all her time on one of my teeth. making it stronger. For only 15,000 Colones (30 Dollars).

At least I think this is what she did. She didn't bother explaining what she was doing - she just did it, as the Nike advertisements tells us to.

No one is Interested in Making a Better World

And no one is interested in wondering why.

The one thing common to both these assertions, is "No one is interested." Why is that?

I think it is because we have been looking at screens for too long. Beginning with the TV screen, and ending with the Phone. That provide more information, at a faster speed, than we can possibly make sense of.

We are not basically stupid, we have survived for millions of years because we were smarter than the competition - other animals. who were smart in their own diverse ways.

But mass entertainment has done us in - has made us stupid. We can now ask "How did this happen?"

The first thing to notice, is the appearance of a new kind of people: the Masses. And a new kind of government: Fascism. And the Authoritarian Ruler. The whole thing is part of an all-inclusive package. You cannot have just part of it - you have to take the whole thing.

And the secret ingredient in this mix, what makes it all possible, is the Computer. With its networks: the Internet and the Cellular.

I will give this a historical perspective.

It began with the Movies. Everyone went to the Movies, at least once a week. They transported us to another world, much better than the real one. We learned how important illusions were - a lesson we would not forget. This occupied us for the first half of the 20th Century.

Then technology caught up with us - with Television. We didn't have to go to the Movies anymore - they came to us. TV not only told us what to buy - but how to be! It changed who we were.

And made us incapable of thinking for ourselves. It was much easier, to let it do the thinking for us.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Software Developers, who want to make More of Them

This is something new in the world! And I want to give them credit for this.

I decided to learn the programming language Java - and by simply doing a Google on Java, I went to this site - that not only teaches Java, but a bunch of others, as well. For free!

This no so unusual, it itself - also has courses for $10 - but I cannot recommend them.

I can recommend this one. Give it a look.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

The Lack of Computer Security

Becomes Critical when it is used used in International Warfare. No one will argue with this - they will just hope this warfare is not aimed at them.

For Americans, this is definitely not the case. As the richest country in the world -
everyone wants what they got. And is not the least bit bashful, about grabbing what they want.

This used to be done by military means - the strongest got the most. But cyber warfare is much cheaper - and can easily be denied.

The only way of coping with it, is by going on the offensive yourself. "If you fuck with me, you will regret it. Because I know more about this than you do!"

Good Coffee is always a Blend

There is another approach to this - grow the perfect coffee, and use it alone, without mixing it with coffee from anywhere else.

This was the approach taken by Cafe Christina, a little coffee farm close to where I live. An American couple bought this farm, and proceeded to improve it - mainly by making it very organic.

Organic farming was also tried by my family, in their little plot of land, in Nauvoo, Illinois. This had religious meaning for them - keeping yourself pure from the world.

This religious conviction was not shared by my Uncle Ourth, who had his own farm, on shores of the Mississippi River, just a mile from our house. He sprayed his crops, using powerful chemicals to kill the insects that were eating his crops. As a special favor for us, he sprayed our orchard also.

He thought organic farming was a fine idea - but impractical. You had to produce the most fruit, at the lowest cost.

As it turned out, this argument was never settled, because the owners both died - taking their farms with them.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Using my Headset in Windows 10

A headset is a pair of headphones with a microphone attached to them. You see them on TV all the time.

Windows 10 is supposed to be the perfect combination for them. It lets you hear and talk at the same time. The microphone is so close to your mouth, noise reduction is not necessary.

But Microsoft lies, and you can quote me on that. It claims to have Speech Recognition, that does all kinds of wonderful things. Most of which, it cannot do at all.

Why did the Computer become so Important?

In my life, this happened in 1980, when we weren't sure what it was, so we called in High Tech.

The technical reasons behind this were the discoveries of Solid State Physics that made the vacuum tube obsolete. It was replaced with the Transistor, and then ever more complicated Integrated Circuits. All this was happening extremely rapidly. We didn't have the time to consider what was going on.

The move from Analog to Digital processing, was just as important - but something no one took seriously. This change was so profound, we may never understand it.

Most importantly to me, was the simple fact, that this was where the jobs were. I did not ask myself, why this was where the jobs were - I just followed the money, as it went there.

Someday, historians will analyze this huge shift, but right now it is unexamined - and causes intense confusion. Confusion so intense, people don't want to know that it exists.

A fundamental change in the economy, is the most traumatic event, any people can live through. And Americans were soon asking themselves about the Economy (with a capital E). That they were poorly equipped to understand.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

How Russia Failed

A History of Russia: From Peter the Great to Gorbachev

I like History, and this is one of the best history's I have listened to. I get so many hours of listening to one of these Great Courses courses, their cost per hour is very little. 

How did Russia fail? In every way possible, and a few they invented themselves - such as rise of the Bolsheviks, that turned Russia into the Soviet Union. That we can remember all too well. 

Inside Consensys


This makes heavy use of the Smart Contracts in Ethereum, that has been built into Microsoft's Azure Cloud. They want use this, to build the next generation of the Internet.

This article is about a network of software developers, that calls itself Consensys. And one of its offices in low-rent Brooklyn. How these developers are paid, is not discussed.

How much of this, is the usual startup hype, I do not know. But I suspect there is more to it than that.

Click Here, to Kill Everybody

When I was informed by Amazon, that I had bought this book - I thought they were wrong.

I had to look closely at name of the author, Bruce Schneier, to get myself oriented. I read his blog every week - and he had mentioned there, that he had a new book. So naturally, I bought it.

And I can see we are in big trouble. But trouble we can easily understand, if we take the trouble to think about it.

I can summarize it here: there are computers embedded in everything - and they are all connected to the Internet. This is sometimes called IoT - the Internet of Things.

Every car now has dozens of these, and getting more all the time. This allows the companies that make these cars - to monitor the performance of these cars, as they are being driven. And gather much more information, as well. Information that they can sell.

But security was not designed into this System. This would have required the attention of some highly-paid security professionals, that the manufacturers of these products could not afford. And a government that enforces these security procedures, for everyone.

So what we have is a mess instead. Something we are so used to, we don't give it a second thought.

A mess that could kill everybody.

Monday, September 3, 2018

San Francisco is not Silicon Valley

This is one fact, that the book Life with Code, misses completely. Why this is so, baffles me.

I lived in the Valley from 1990-2000, in the same house, in Milpitas. I had many jobs, but could commute to them easily - if I avoided rush hour. And all my jobs accommodated this, as part of their fringe benefits.

Many employees in the Valley live in San Francisco (in only in a few select areas) and their companies provide buses (for free) to take them to work in the Valley. This is one of their fringe benefits, and an important one.

They were special people, and Valley accommodated their needs naturally and easily.

They Do the Best they can, with What They Have

But what they have is very limited. So limited it makes me wonder, where they can possibly go from where they are? 

This I think, is the problem of our times - we have nothing, when we are supposed to have everything. A more dramatic contrast cannot be imagined - everything apposed to nothing!

An impossible situation, our minds cannot comprehend or deal with.

We must reconsider what being means. And, for that matter, what happiness means. The usual response "I don't want to think about it!" Is not adequate.

But most people will say "That response is not good enough for you? Too bad, because that is our response anyway!"

This is our present situation - a culture where people cannot, and do not want to think!

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Business is Slow in Orosi

These photos will illustrate this nicely.

The Bar El Gavilan is the center of town, and at 11am, on a Saturday, it should have been packed. Today, there was almost no one there. Minors are not permitted, but one of the bartenders is a woman!

Buying Votes

This now done all the time (in the form of attack ads) and no one finds this objectionable. They know careful reasoning no longer works - but brute force often does. And what they want is results, no matter how undignified they are.

Does She Like You?

When I was young, I was obsessed with sex. And never thought to ask myself this fundamental question. I just assumed, all young women were like my mother. Not to be trusted.

Finding out what they were really like - would have been huge job, so I never bothered with it.

My early life was also complicated by my family's religion, that included some bizarre sexual involvements. In short: everybody was sexually involved with everyone else (almost) while denying everything.

I went to a religious college (sponsored by our church) for two years. But stayed away from the girls entirely. This was not what my parents wanted, and they sent me to a youth camp, so I could find a girlfriend.

I did find a young woman, whose parents had send her to youth camp, with the same instructions (find a boyfriend). We did the smart thing, and became girlfriend/boyfriend for each other.

This satisfied our parents, for a while - but then they insisted, I visit my girlfriend (using the family car, that was quite impressive). We would have to date each other.

This would not have been complicated, but my new friend did not like this idea - and when I showed up, at her house - I was informed that she was working that day.

I should mention at this point, she had informed me that she hated her father - and evidently this hatred had been transferred to me! What to do?

I stayed at her house, the rest of the day, waiting for her to come home. When she did show up, her mother sat both of us down on the same couch - and told us to get friendly. While she remained within hearing, to make sure we didn't get too friendly.

These were easy instructions to follow - and we found being this close, was rather pleasant.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Defining Congressional Districts, using Software

This could be done fairly easily.

Voting is always done in voting precincts. These precincts always have boundaries with adjacent precincts. And these boundaries are well-known, and are easily defined - a simple matter of geometry.

The first step would be to record how each precinct voted in the last election. And assume it would vote similarly in the next election. If it was Red in the last election, it will probably be Red in the next election.

This would not work very well, if the most of the voters decided on another alternative entirely. As happened in the election of Trump. But the votes would still be counted, precinct by precinct.

If most of the precincts around that precinct, voted the same way - merge these precincts together. Otherwise leave them separate. Repeat this process until all the precincts in the State have been considered.

The next step would have to be done by people - who would have to decide how to proceed from there. If too many separate precincts remain - they will have to decide on a plan to reduce them. They might decide, for example, if 40% of the surrounding precincts have voted one way - to merge them.

And they will have to decide if non-contiguous voting areas could still vote as one area. This has not been a common practice before now, in most countries - but it might work.

Life in Code


If you want to know how Computers have affected people - this book is for you. It's a personal history of how it has affected one, very observant, person - who has lived in the trenches, and survived - and who knows everyone in the business.

I have been there myself, as a lowly tech writer, but didn't have the smarts to dig my own trenches - where I would have been safer.