Thursday, September 13, 2018

Software feels more Human to me, than Hardware

The switch from Hardware to Software, is the big event of our time. And one few people understand.

The Hardware economy and the Software economy are two different economies. They benefit two different kinds of people.

Hardware people are being put out of work, because their skills are no longer necessary. And this is happening in a short period of time - in about fifty years.

But let me return to my statement, that Software feels more human then Hardware, to me. This is not true for most people - because they have no idea what Software is. In fact, it feels like a foreign force to them. and they resent its presence.

I can illustrate this, with a story of my friend Carol. I met her at a nudist colony in Silicon Valley. It was actually a clothing-optional place, and we were fully clothed. I was attracted to Carol. because I could see she was her own person.

And to make long story short, I hired her as an editor, when I was working as a Technical Writer. She was an excellent editor - I could just turn out a rough draft, and she would turn it into a polished document.
And most important to her - she had a job that paid well. She was dead broke, and sleeping in her car.

We became friends, dated for awhile, and I got to know her. I tried to make her an online editor. But for her, this was impossible - whenever she thought about using the computer, her mind would become useless. For her, everything had to be done on paper - nothing else would do.

She was a Hardware person.

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