Saturday, September 29, 2018

Intelligence is not Inherited

But can it be taught?

I do not know the answer to this, having never been a teacher myself. But I suspect the answer is rather involved. 

Learning involves learning from other people, and if the other people one is exposed to do not have a particular skill, one is unlikely to acquire it on one's own. 

However, there is something new under the sun: the Computer, and its Artificial Intelligence. And I am asking myself "Can this be learned?" And once again, the answer is mixed. For most people, the answer is clearly "No! They have no interest in learning it."

But there is small number, who are busy learning it - and are making it better and better. So much so, some people have become alarmed. and think these geeks (with their new, improved intelligence) can take over. 

As one of these, I am flattered - but having spent some time learning this (and understanding this) myself - I think the real problem facing us is different. 

We do not understand ourselves. A problem as old as ever. 

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