Saturday, September 29, 2018

Brexit has revealed the Northern Powerhouse as a colonial enterprise

Open Democracy

There is some important information here, but it needs to translated for American readers, who will have no idea what it is talking about. Indeed, as an American living in Costa Rica, I have only a limited understanding of it myself.

Americans inherited most of their culture (along with their language) from England - which became the UK, having absorbed Scotland into its ranks. This was a very complicated process, one which the Brits themselves, have a hard time understanding. 

WWII ended with the destruction of the British Empire, and Britain is now the poorest country in the EU, since it has no oil.

America had plenty of oil - in fact, it was discovered there, in Pennsylvania. In the ensuing one hundred years, or so - most of that oil was pumped dry. But its credit was excellent, and it is now the world's leading debtor nation.

And, as the Financial Crisis of 2008 showed, the country posing the greatest risk to the Global Economy. 

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