Saturday, September 8, 2018

No one is Interested in Making a Better World

And no one is interested in wondering why.

The one thing common to both these assertions, is "No one is interested." Why is that?

I think it is because we have been looking at screens for too long. Beginning with the TV screen, and ending with the Phone. That provide more information, at a faster speed, than we can possibly make sense of.

We are not basically stupid, we have survived for millions of years because we were smarter than the competition - other animals. who were smart in their own diverse ways.

But mass entertainment has done us in - has made us stupid. We can now ask "How did this happen?"

The first thing to notice, is the appearance of a new kind of people: the Masses. And a new kind of government: Fascism. And the Authoritarian Ruler. The whole thing is part of an all-inclusive package. You cannot have just part of it - you have to take the whole thing.

And the secret ingredient in this mix, what makes it all possible, is the Computer. With its networks: the Internet and the Cellular.

I will give this a historical perspective.

It began with the Movies. Everyone went to the Movies, at least once a week. They transported us to another world, much better than the real one. We learned how important illusions were - a lesson we would not forget. This occupied us for the first half of the 20th Century.

Then technology caught up with us - with Television. We didn't have to go to the Movies anymore - they came to us. TV not only told us what to buy - but how to be! It changed who we were.

And made us incapable of thinking for ourselves. It was much easier, to let it do the thinking for us.

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