Tuesday, July 31, 2018

John Dewey


You have heard of this guy, I am certain. Now you can read about him.

I use my Fire tablet to look at this Kindle book.

He was in favor of Democracy - even in the schools!


I did a search for Rita Fishburn, and found this - in another Blogger posting!

It is full of valuable information. A right-click will translate it for you. I also follow this blog.

When lies became the truth

And mosr people cannot tell the difference - and want to remain that way.

They deny that Objective Reality, or Scientific Reality exists. Only their Reality exists - and it can be whatever they want it to be.

It does seem to me, that this difference in attitude is crucial. Everyone will agree, that truthfulness is better than lying. But when push comes to shove - they will bend the truth to a remarkable degree.

Monday, July 30, 2018


This is a sound recorder, I bought some time ago, from Amazon - but I am now just getting around to using. Its a tiny thing, you can easily hold in your hand. The stereo files it creates, are much smaller than the files produced by my Digital Camera - that also goes with me, on my walks.

The first thing I notice is the User's Manual, that printed so greatly reduced, you have to use a magnifier to read it.

But I am stubborn, and finally figured out how to use it. It's not so complicated, once you begin to understand it.

Before I go for my daily walk, I put it in the hip pocket of my pants - ready for instant use.

Americans who Thought they were Better than the Mexicans

Not all Americans were this way, but a lot of them were. And they had a big effect on American policy towards Mexico. As Mexicans knew all too well.

Quite often these Americans, were mostly interested in their own self-importance. And not the worth of those, they considered their inferiors.

I was led to reflect on this, when I thought about Rosemary Fishburn, who built a Student Center in Mexico, that failed. Who did feel superior to the Mexicans, she was supposed to be helping.

My Father did not feel this way about Mexicans. But my Mother did - and she was stronger than him.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Junk in Police yard

Ticos have a different attitude toward junked cars. You see them everywhere, usually with the engines removed, since they can taken apart, and sold as used engine parts. 

IBM and Rational Software

I will begin this posting by referring you to the Wikipedia entry for Rational Software.

I was working in Silicon Valley in the Nineties - and I can remember the impact of Rational on it.

I could see the programmers in the company I worked for - were producing lousy software. And I could see Rational had a method for producing good software - that they were not interested in. A bit crazy, yes?

But the craziness got worse, when IBM bought Rational. It bought a fine company with a brilliant future - and did nothing with it.

IBM had shot itself in the foot - once again!

Pinball machines were being used as Slot machines

I noticed this, on my local shopping trip yesterday. The local pinball establishment had few customers. But I soon saw the reason why - there was a little notice, saying the machines could not played for money.

When they were played for money, you had to insert a coin. before you could pull the plunger that set the ball into action (as always). The machine would then light up, showing the progress of the action - and then come up with a number, which might result in coins being paid out. You could then the use these coins to play some more.

Just like a slot machine, that was designed to make the player feel he was winning - even though he was actually losing. This made the machines very popular.

Evidently, the government decided against this form of gambling. You could still use the government lottery, and buy as many chances as you wanted. Little one-person buildings, have appeared everywhere - to help you do this. Street vendors are common also.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

The New American Dream


This my TED pick for the week.

When I recommend a something with plenty of text in it, I will include short quotation.

But since this talk lasts only 16 minutes, and you can easily stop listening to it, anytime you like - didn't try to do anything fancy.

I have Visual Studio on this Laptop

But getting it, involved two hours of downloading files!

But I can now pursue my hobby of Software Development, using the Microsoft Cloud, or the Google Cloud - either one! My experiences on the Amazon Cloud, have not been so good, so I no longer use it.

This laptop is a Lenovo, now considered a strange brand. but it has a venerable history. IBM created the Personal Computer (PC), that was the big deal of its time - the Eighties and Nineties. It later decided to get out of that business, and sold it to Lenovo - a Chinese company.

No one thought this sale of American technology to the Chinese, was a problem!

Americans have Chosen to Not Exist

To their minds this is perfectly logical, and the appropriate response to their situation.

And has the additional advantage, of baffling everyone. Because this strategy had never been used before. And no one knows how to counter it. All those people, who are no longer people, can consider themselves very clever.  They have won!

Let me return to their situation - what was it? It was a culture that did not like people. And the people rebelled, as a response to being treated this way. They did not understand what was going on, they only knew they didn't like it, whatever it was. And they did the easiest thing possible - they ceased to exist!

The result, was a nation that could not function. But this did not bother them, in the least. They got theirs, when the getting was good, and now everyone else will have to scramble for the scraps. 

Bear in mind, that I am taking about a generation gap here. The older generation was successful, accumulated enough wealth to retire on. Their children do not have much of a future, but they are able to overlook this, quite easily. 

Let me refer you to another article Why Realism explains the World, that has a different approach to this problem. 

Friday, July 27, 2018

The Latino Lack

Any American or European who lives in Latin America (such as myself) has probably noticed this. We have to live with it every day.

The most obvious lack is the lack of money - Latin America is poor. And its intellectuals have not able to explain why this is - especially in their schools. Because explaining this, would not be easy. It would mean, looking at some of their basic values closely.

This difference was caused by the Reformation, that Northern Europe accepted (and became Protestant). But Southern Europe rejected (and remained Catholic). The net result was that the North became affluent, and the South remained poor.

Explaining why this was so, is more than I can attempt here, but these reasons have been explained adequately elsewhere.

Some Latinos have lived in the US for awhile, and been able to adapt to life there - but most cannot. The same for Americans living down here - some can adapt, but most cannot, have to go back.

Cultural Shock is powerful, and you have to experience it yourself, to feel how powerful it is.

My Guts and my Mind

These are closely linked - in fact, they are part of the same system: my body.

This unity was challenged by Medieval Christianity, and its belief in the Soul. Putting them back together again, was one of the important efforts of the Modern World.

An effort that is still going on.

Great Courses

Online courses are one of the huge benefits of life in the 21st Century. And Great Courses are some of the best - especially if you get them, quite cheaply, from Audible.

My latest course there is No Excuses. Existentialism and the Meaning of Life. The instructor has been teaching this course since the Sixties. He shows how this movement was affected by many thinkers of the late 19th Century and early 20th. It really helps to learn them, as part of a package.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Local Preschool

There are three of these in Orosi - one public, that is free - and two that parents have to pay for (but probably not very much).

This is a photo of the kids house school. It teaches English, and accepts infants (that have just been born!) up to six years old - when they will transfer to the public grade school.

It has plenty of equipment for the kids to play on, and conducts little parades, with lively marching music.

The sign says registration open.

Software is Eating the World

And what world is it eating? The Industrial World, that peaked out in the 19th Century. Software was invented, as the brains of the Computer, in the second half of the 20th Century. But is maturing explosively in the 21st Century.

When I say it is exploding, I am not exaggerating. Take a peak at the Wikipedia entry for VMware, Companies like this are getting huge, in a mediocre economy. And they are not hiding their talents, but keep some of their most talented people, busy explaining what the are doing. And making sure everyone knows about these expensive explanations.

This is a revolution, but a revolution most of the people know nothing about - and don't want to know. They would like to get some of this money for themselves - but they don't want to change enough to get it. They are stuck, but can't understand what has stuck them.

They can't understand. that a new world is dawning - and an old world is dying.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Rosemary Fishburn

This posting will of interest mainly to my family, who were closely involved with Rosemary, back in the Sixties, in Mexico. I expect my family will provide more details.

Our family became acquainted with the Fishburns when they worked for the RLDS church, in Nauvoo, Illinois. And then, when they worked for the Church, in Mexico City.

Then Rosemary did something unusual. She bought the estate that had belonged to an important person, in Saltillo, Mexico. This was a large property, with many building on it, and large gardens also. Saltillo was was in the high desert - dry, and not very important. Bob Fishburn got a virus infection in his lungs there, and eventually died from this.

Rosemary decided to operate a Student Center, where college students could live for free - or for very little. She hoped these students would join the Church, that she also operated, on the premises. My parents joined her there - and my father, did much of the work, of running the place.

What happened next, was complicated, and I am not familiar with most of the story. My parents moved back to the States - and Rosemary lost their help.

Her daughter Rita, eventually married a Mexican, who was well educated, had attended Harvard - and he inherited Rosemary's property. And started a college of his own there.

Rosemary, at some point, lost her mind.

The Simple Minded

I met a guy recently, that showed me what this was like. Because he was like this himself.

It's not a simple matter, you have to be stupid in some ways, but not others. And every simple minded person is different. But they share one characteristic with everyone else - they believe in illusions, and cannot live without them!

I have just said, that we all are simple minded, in a way. The truly simple minded, simply take this trait to extremes.

How can you tell when someone is this way? It isn't easy, because you have to use your whole body, including your gut feelings. You hang out with them, and listen to how you feel. If you don't feel good, you stay away from them, in the future.

Your bad feelings can have many causes, but that doesn't matter. They all came from the same person, and the same situation.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Secondhand Time: The Last of the Soviets


This was a New York Times Best Seller.

Because the translator give us some excellent English.

She begins by listing the many endings of the Cold War, that preoccupied the USSR, and the US - from 1953 (when Stalin died) to 2014, when Putin became dictator for life.

She is concerned with what really happened to ordinary people.

Understanding Theresa May

Theresa May's Impossible Choice

This is a long article, but it has to be, for such a complex subject. The Brits are complex (not just complicated) people.

I suggest you read in several sittings - something online journalism makes easy for you to do.

Ethics is a latecomer to Software Development, but it has finally arrived

As Technologists, It's Time That We Upgrade The Ethics Of Our Work

Here is a quote:

In Seana Shiffrin’s compelling research paper on the moral dimensions of negligence, she notes that negligence“…involves a failure to take and exercise appropriate responsibility for one’s agency; and, when that failure involves other people, negligence involves a failure properly to recognize and acknowledge their moral significance.”

I can hear people screaming "Too hard for me to understand!" And they are right, it is too hard for them to understand. Ideas for them have to be extremely simple. Most people (perhaps 90 percent of the population) have been thrown into a world, much too complex for them to understand. 

Fortunately. there is the 10 percent, such as this writer. who can understand. 

An intense interest in illusions

In America, this was the American Dream - that Americans believed in intensely, even if they didn't know exactly what it was/ This vagueness was part of its appeal - it could be anything!

And Americans went to see the movies at least once a week, to see the latest illusion that Hollywood had produced for them. Broadway theaters produced Musicals, that also promoted this dream.

These illusions were backed by some solid facts - after WWII, America was the richest and most powerful nation in history!

The most important illusion for my family, was provided by the RLDS church - which they believed in completely, because it made them feel important! The Church was Americanism taken to an extreme.

This was back in the Fifties - after that, this pleasant state of affairs, slowly ceased to exist. But instead of recognizing this unpleasant fact - Americans went crazy, and elected Trump!

Monday, July 23, 2018

Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir were In Love

The letters they wrote to each other still exist, and are proof of this. The Nazi occupation of Paris was still going on. and had a huge influence on their writing, and their philosophy (Existentialism).

 But for reasons of their own, they both decided to conceal their love, from the outside public.

The strange relationship between Microsoft, and the companies who manufacture Windows computers

It seems to me, this should be simple.

Other companies would pay Microsoft to use its Windows software, anyway they please. But Microsoft would then test the computers they build, to see if they met its requirements. If they do - then it would certify them, as approved by Microsoft. If they do not pass these tests, they could not be sold as Windows computers.

But this does not happen. I have a Lenovo Windows 10 laptop, where the time and date function is defective, and cannot be fixed. The Windows software allows to complain about this, and I have done so. But Lenovo has not made any updates to fix this problem.

This laptop runs on a combination of Windows and Lenovo software - and the two are not compatible with each other. Lenovo was a Chinese company, and that made all the difference. The Chinese, had been making things forever. and were good at that. But making Software was a different skill entirely.

People can be crazy, and Computer Companies can be crazy also

Computer Craziness has happened, no doubt about it. And we need to take this craziness seriously - instead of doing our best to ignore it.

The best way to look at this problem, is to examine our many religious manias in the past. And consider this another one of those religious excitements. Where the rational part of our minds, is taken over by our emotions. 

Our religious nature is one of the most fundamental parts of our human nature - and we should take it seriously. Instead of giving into it, without a fight. 

I would date the beginning of Computer Craziness to about 1980, when I became involved in it personally. I had been an Electronic Engineer, which meant I was an expert in\Vacuum Tubes. But Solid State technology made that obsolete - and created the Digital Computer also - all at the same time! 

I observed, with amazement - how this empowered the worst kind of people. And made rich, people who should have been in jail! Everyone else noticed nothing at all. 

This was their way of coping with it - to see nothing at all! Not the brightest solution, but one that was easy for them, at the time. 

They did not say "We are into another religious mania, here - and will have to treat this carefully!"

Sunday, July 22, 2018

McAfee Live Safe

I got this, without asking for it, when I got a Lenovo laptop. I thought, getting this laptop would solve my Windows 10 problems - but it has added a few of its own, instead.

Windows has its own virus protection software (Windows Defender), but now McAfee is installed (without my permission) it cannot operate. Now I have to wait for 30 days. before I can get rid of the thing.

Lenovo uses the AMD chip set (instead of the Intel set) that makes it cheaper. I have no problem with this. But I do have a problem with its with time function, that is wildly inaccurate - and cannot be changed.

I do not have a Phone

I must be one of the few people in the world who do not have one. 

I have had a few of these things, and noticed I was never using them. So I decided to live without one. 

I went to my Wireless provider yesterday, and told them what I wanted to do. He could not imagine anyone doing this (why would anyone want to be so different?) it was a situation he had never had any experience with. And he had a hard time getting it done. 

He is not the only one who has a problem with this. Every app out there. assumes the same thing - and they demand (not very politely) my phone address. If I don't have a Phone, there must be something wrong with me! 

If you believe in something strongly enough, this makes it true

My religious family certainly believed this - and still believes it. Despite abundant evidence to the contrary.

This has shown me how easily people can deceive themselves. And how difficult it is to change their minds.

This situation got worse in the 20th Century. 

Saturday, July 21, 2018

The Google Cloud Platform, GCP

I am taking a course on this, that is designed an operated by Google itself. It's interesting. because of the way Google manages its Cloud.

This is part of a new ecosystem, that is being created by Software. That most people are not aware of, even as it changes their lives completely.

People don't want Liberal Democracy

This is as obvious as anything can be. Except for one other thing - people do not want to know this. Which means this situation cannot be be changed. because it cannot be recognized.

I have been speaking here of the people, as if they were all the same, Which for most persons, is certainly true. In the 20th Century, people have been mass-produced.  Without there being aware of this.

Ever since they were small children, they were treated badly. And they have responded, by destroying the culture, that has treated them so badly.

Their economy has given them many things - but ignored who they are.

Friday, July 20, 2018

The Evangelicals and the State of Israel

The Evangelicals have decided, that Israel is their country also. And they conduct many tours there, emphasizing places mentioned in the New Testament - such as the birthplace of Jesus.

The Israels do not object - this brings in a lot of money into their country. And the Evangelicals are very influential in American politics. 

The powerful resistance to making good software

I noticed this when I worked in Silicon Valley in the Nineties. I saw programmers produce defective software deliberately, and companies that wanted them to do this. And an entire culture, that overlooked this strange state of affairs. I am tempted to go into this in more detail. but that will have to be another posting.

Looking back at it, I can see a clash between two civilizations. One based on Hardware, and one based on Software. The transition to Software is inevitable, but it will be resisted as long as possible.

The EU does not understand this, but feels threatened by the American dominance in Software. It does not realize that Software produces its own business monopolies - that are inevitable and beneficial.

For example, I just bought a new Laptop, and I had no choice but to buy a Windows 10. I bought one with 8 Gb of RAM, and will install Google's Chrome browser on it. This will give me the best of two worlds.

If you buy one with only 4 .Gb of RAM, you you can only use Microsoft apps - that are much more limited.

It is up to you, to get in bed with the best combination possible.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Google is a Different Kind of Company

How many times had you heard this "So and so, (or such and such) is doing something entirely differently!" Thousands of times? Millions of times?

And when you look under the covers, what do you see? Nothing!

How many times have you heard that "Education is the answer!" Do these people know anything about education? No.

But I am here to tell you something amazing. Google is doing both of these things!

I am taking a Coursera MOOC about the Google Cloud. I am learning about that, from the course. And also learning, from Google, how they educate their users.

This is what everyone in Software is doing - educating everyone else. And I mean everyone else!

Liberalism vs Democracy

I am reading John Dewey and American Democracy.

And this is the primary theme of this book.

I didn't know this conflict existed.


If you are Not Aware of all the Bad Things going on - you cannot be Held Responsible for Them

This lack of awareness goes back to the middle of the 19th Century - and its bad parenting. If people are treated badly, as small children, this has an enormous effect, on the rest of their lives.

And, since this lack of awareness. resides safely in their unconscious, This results in a social situation that cannot be changed, or fixed.

Is this the end of the world? No, but it is the end of one world. And a way of life for most of the people in it.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

How to Amount to Something

This will not interest most people - because being does not interest them, and not being does not interest them either. They have arrived at perfection, and have no interest in being anything else.

They are mistaken, however. They have not arrived at anything, but a total delusion, that is typical of their times. The end of the Industrial Era.

We are now in the Computer Era - that is so different, it can hardly be comprehended.

I was almost part of the Computer Era. back in the Nineties, in Silicon Valley. I should have learned Java - but got out of the Valley. instead. I didn't solve my problems. I just ran away from them. Which at my age (I was 65 at the time) wasn't too bad a solution,

In the Valley, with my tiny Social Security income - I was nothing. But in Costa Rica, I was a man with a substantial income.

My solution will not work for anyone else. For anyone still back in the States - the solution is obvious - you must get into Software.

You can do this at two levels. You can become skilled at using the Computer, to do almost anything. Or you can become skilled at programming it, to do almost anything. This much more difficult - but pays much more.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

An easy way to understand Russia

Resd A Terrible Country

It will not only inform you - it will also entertain you.

You will see how Putin and Trump are not that different.

How Russia Conquered America — Without Firing a Bullet


How I wish I had written this!

I think Russia didn’t need to fire a bullet because it realized that all it needed to do was help finish what America itself had started. The project of undoing a democracy — using a democracy. 

So Russia installed the cartoon President it chose without so much as having to lift a rifle. Everyone “failed” to see what was happening, didn’t they — sometimes pretty, well, wierdly enthusiastically? From intelligence agencies. To the press. From the media. To academics, thinkers, and pundits. From armed forces to governors. Why was that? Every single institution in the blighted and strange democracy had come to believe in a strange and perverse idea — that it was only there to undo itself. It was so busy doing that, that it didn’t notice that help was on the way, from its worst enemy. Or maybe it did — and so, even more absurdly, many celebrated this brave man who seemed to be capable of finishing the job of using democracy to wreck democracy.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Historic Win and the Future of the Democratic Party

New Yorker Magazine

This is a textbook study of the American Left. And bears some careful reading, Something far too many Americans never do,

They are either apathetic or reactionary. She is dynamic.

Monday, July 16, 2018

How an Adventure Tour should Work

I got this info from my friend Ray, who works for a company that does this all the time.

The procedure is simple. If the river is too high for safe rafting, they cancel the trip, few days before it is scheduled to start, and refund the money.

The customer, who is usually in the States, gets nothing else!

Ray asked that this be added:
First, all adventure tours are not necessarily river rafting.  Some tours can be cancelled because of torrential rain or other extenuating circumstances.  Clients are refunded.  If cancellations occur before the date they are offered, optional tours are offered. in place of the one cancelled.

The relationship between the RLDS church and the Black community

This relationship can be stated easily - there wasn't any.

When I attended the Church's Graceland college in the Fifties, it thought it should have some Black students, and made a serious search for some Black families. They found only one, and it lived in Detroit. None of its children wanted to go to Graceland.

Nietzsche and Wagner

The importance of Wagner in the 19th Century, has been mostly forgotten. But his impact at time, was overwhelming. Everyone in Germany was either passionately for him, or against him.

And one of those people was Nietzsche. He even tried to seduce Wagner's wife! And he took her rejection of him - very seriously. This was one of the reasons he left Germany, and lived the rest of his short life in Switzerland.

Wagner was a musical genius - but also a despicable person, in his own life. One of his admirers was Hitler, who built a new performance center for Wagner's widow. And attended performances of his works there personally!

Making a Better World

Few people are interested in this anymore. And they don't want to know they are not interested. For them, the world is just the way it is, and changing it is not something they are interested in. They only want to be entertained.

For women, the results can be a large gain of weight, that also includes a large change in their personalty. They are no longer interested in being attractive, and may even consider any attractiveness they used to have, as being dangerous. Because that would make others harm them in a variety of ways, including sexually.

For men, the results are harder to explain, because they have to adapt to, and become part of, an exploitative environment. But the results are easy to see, they are only interested in helping themselves - no one else.

The two strategies above can interact in some very complex ways.

But I am telling you something you already know - life is hard. And what you want to know is how you can best survive in it. But you probably have a survival strategy already, without knowing it.

And it is simple, if almost unbelievable - you have stopped being! 

Sunday, July 15, 2018

My New Toothbrush


My last one like this, cost $100. This one cost ony $20. And works even better. 

It sits in a magnetic charger, and blinks while it is charging. 

Saturday, July 14, 2018

The Future of China is Unlimited


This is the kind of shameless advertisement that YouTube is trying to avoid.

He piles statistic on top of statistic - with the intention of overwhelming you.

Don't be fooled. He doesn't mention AI (Artificial Intelligence) that China knows nothing about. But where Silicon Valley knows everything.

Friday, July 13, 2018

My new camera is forcing me to get a new computer

My new digital camera can take photos (excellent photos) but I cannot upload them to my laptop.

I have a Windows 10 laptop, but it is defective. When I use an USB cable to connect the camera to my laptop, instead of connecting it automatically, as another drive, it does nothing!

So I ordered another laptop from Amazon, for $386.

Human beings and human doings

When I moved from Silicon Valley to Costa Rica, I experienced, to my intense relief - the pleasures of living, where people were still important. But I also experienced the inconveniences of a culture that had never been part of the Industrial Revolution - that had changed the North completely.

Costa Rica has done some things right. It has plenty of of hydro-generated electricity, that is available everywhere. But it has done no urban planning, and its cities are a mess - people can build anything they want, anywhere they want.

Corruption is not as bad as in the rest of Latin America - but it is still a problem.

I am writing this on a Laptop, that is connected, to the Internet. Costs Rica does not have Internet everywhere yet, but it is better than in the rest of Central America, It has the opportunity to become part of the Digital Economy - but has not realized this yet.

I continue to study Programming, as a hobby, and this gives me the opportunity to see the advantages of being human doings, and human beings - both. A contrast Programmers are just beginning to realize themselves.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

My Father's Haitian Girlfriend

My Father served in the Marine Corp from 1930-1934. And was part of the American occupation of Haiti. He wanted to ltearn French, and found a local woman to teach him that. She had a daughter Dad's age, and she fell in love with him.

But when he returned to Ft, Madison, Iowa - his relatives were horrified. As far as they were concerned - she was Black,and wanted nothing to do with her. Dad married a local woman instead.

A natural programmer, is a different kind of person

Anyone in the Software industry knows this, but they also keep it a secret. Because they want a good supply of mediocre programmers available - because they are much cheaper.

I was once one of those mediocre programmers myself - back in the Eighties.

Now I am trying to learn Data Science - thirty years later. And I am trying to learn Keras. And I have no idea, what their friendly documentation is talking about.

These guys live in a world of their own. They not only want to be paid well - they are picky about the kinds of work they will accept. They only want work that will advance them in their chosen specialty.

First become a Success, then Ditch it

How often I have seen this!

We have a deeply ambivalent attitude toward Success. We want it, but once we get it - we cannot stand it.

I will illustrate this with a true story, about Marielos, a women I lived with, for 5 years, when I first came to Costa Rica.

Her customers were women who would park their cars, in front of her house, come inside, and look at her large book of women's fashions. They would select a fashion that they liked, and Marielos would measure all their body dimensions. and then get her team, to sew a dress, just made for her!

She employed two women, full-time. And had a nice little business, that kept her busy.

Five years later, she had no business at all.

People don't want to know, how awful things have become

This raises several questions, that I hesitate to get into.

First, it seems like things have taken over. Or perhaps I should say, a new kind of things have taken over. Which of course, raises the question "What are these new kind of things?"

But instead of answering that question, I will have to go in a slightly different direction, and make another assertion "They have utilized a new source of power, that has only appeared recently. The same source of power that created the Modern World." And we can now see (with the assistance of the Computer) that is huge amounts of Information. Or, to use a newer terminology - Big Data.

Which has been personified, in our time. by the Television. Everyone watches it - but they have no idea how much it influences their lives. And they don't want to know.

They know only one thing - something else is in control. And this pleases them greatly.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Making a World that is Good for Us

People have not been doing this, and they do not see why they should be doing this. They think they should be making a world better for something else - but not for them. Who are somehow unimportant.

This assumption has been with us for awhile. Ever since we invented the mechanical machine - and it reinvented us. We learned it was important, and we were not. We need to unlearn this - but this is not likely to happen.

The machine has made us rich, and we will not give it up, as long as it continues to do this for us, However, in a way, this is already happening. Only a few are now getting rich. and the rest are not doing so well.

People are beginning to realize, that their present Way of Life. is not working, And they are turning to authoritative leaders to fix things for them,  But they are only making things worse.


Tuesday, July 10, 2018

A Terrible Country

I heard about this months ago, but found, this morning - I had bought it, and downloaded it to my Amazon Fire!

It's about a young man who had once immigrated from the USSR, but has returned to Russia to take care of his Grandmother, who is 89, and senile. 

I recommend it.

I get a Flu Shot

This should have been simple - but in Costa Rica, medical procedures are never simple.

I will spare you the details - but just say after some complicated maneuvering, I will get my shot tomorrow., after paying for it today: 10,000 Colones, or about $20. This is a new kind. you can get any time of the year.

Stop the World, I want to Get Off

Great Power, Great Responsibility

As I read this, I have a hard tine keeping my eyes focussed. This guy is from another world - and I can see why most people, don't want to listen to him.

Here is a quote:

Both are the flipside of the same phenomenon, which has been brewing for many years but is now in full display:  just about everything (whether personal or professional) is rapidly getting digitized, and data technologies are becoming more adept than ever at processing and analyzing this massive data exhaust, increasingly in real time.  From this can result both magic and abuse.  The debate on how to combine this great power with a necessary sense of responsibility has become essential.

But responsibility to what?

Here you have to put on your thinking cap, and try to make sense of all the data, he is throwing at you.


Monday, July 9, 2018

Are the Wealthy Plotting To Leave Us Behind?


There's nothing wrong with madly optimistic appraisals of how technology might benefit human society. But the current drive for a post-human utopia is something else. It's less a vision for the wholesale migration of humanity to a new state of being than a quest to transcend all that is human: the body, interdependence, compassion, vulnerability, and complexity.... It's a reduction of human evolution to a video game that someone wins by finding the escape hatch and then letting a few of his BFFs come along for the ride... The future became less a thing we create through our present-day choices or hopes for humankind than a predestined scenario we bet on with our venture capital but arrive at passively. This freed everyone from the moral implications of their activities... Ultimately, according to the technosolutionist orthodoxy, the human future climaxes by uploading our consciousness to a computer or, perhaps better, accepting that technology itself is our evolutionary successor.

A new Financial Bubble is in the Making

Washington Post

This is not an easy read, because it is stuffed with facts and figures. It's title is Beware ‘the Mother of all Credit Bubbles’.

The Financial Industry, that includes the Banks, but much else besides - is not behaving responsibly.

My hatred of Business

This must have started at an early age, something I inherited from my religious family. The church they belonged to, had a strange attitude towards business. They began as a church organized and financed by farmers - but it was becoming clear, in the Fifties, that farming was no longer where the money was.

They were confused - they believed in the sinfulness of the world, and wanted no part of that. But they also wanted to be a success. and that meant being part of the Business world. They never thought about this confusion - and this lack of clear thinking doomed them.

The church failed in the Sixties, but the church members have never realized this. I grew up in a church that was going to save the world - but it quietly died, and no one noticed its passing.

I started writing about Business here - but ended up writing about the the family church!

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Here's the Amazon-influenced plan GE's CEO is banking on to remake the American icon


“The companies I've looked at a lot are Apple and Amazon,” he explained to me on Thursday. We were sitting in GE’s offices in Boston, the sky briefly clear as storms circled the city. “The essence is: What does the customer want? What's the customer experience? We've been a hardcore engineering and product-centered company. And that's essential. We compete on technology in many ways. But that's not sufficient. And so for decades really, we were, ‘Let's just make another new thing that's better than the last thing and then we'll go into the market'." Flannery's GE — faster, fewer meetings, more GE employees visiting customers instead of creating internal binders — will know what turbines and controls will delight customers and build the products to do so. It's a B2C playbook inside one of the most B2B companies.

He is trying to talk a good line, but it's mostly just talk. He hasn't looked very closely at Amazon, or he would have realized it is basically a software company. He is still a hardware person. 

Construction and Destruction

These two impulses are fundamental to our human nature. We are the only creatures to have them, And, strangely enough - the only creatures capable of ignoring them.

Right now, I must apply this to America.- where the destructive forces seem to have the upper hand. And where, as I have previously noted, this is being ignored. Americans have concentrated their energy on not knowing this.

The reason for this is simple - construction is hard work. But destruction us easy - and once it becomes the dominant trend - is hard to stop,

Saturday, July 7, 2018

People as Insects

Scientific American

Literature has many examples of this. But is the first time I have seen it used in satirical artwork.

Evangelicalism is Powerful, and Destructive

That is why it is so popular. People do not ask why is popular - they just know that it is. And they go with their guts.

I just downloaded a book about Emotional Intelligence - and it makes the same point. With graphics, showing the different parts of the brain.

America did its Best to Kill Me, Now I am Going to Kill It

I'm not sure what to make of this. The first part, about America killing me. certainly sounds real. And the second part, about killing America, certainly fits in with the election of Trump.

The existence of the dysfunctional family, was a fact of American life. And the hostility toward people in any office, was something I experienced personally.

It is not hard to see how powerful feelings can be safely hidden in the unconscious - where they can be easily denied.

The destructiveness of most people, can be easily observed. And the most destructive act possible, is self-destruction.

One can easily observe. that most people do not exist.

Friday, July 6, 2018

Amazon is not interested in helping people use its services

I buy many things on Amazon. Including the Laptop I am typing this on.

Using these services, I had some problems with them. But I am here to tell you, Amazon did not help me with them. And they are getting away with this - no one is calling their bluff.

If you also buy from Amazon. I have some advice for you - only make one purchase every day.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

I get scammed by the Post Office

This has happened to me a lot, recently. First I get scammed by company that sold me a defective laptop, on Amazon, I complained about this, and they immediately agreed to a complete refund - but I would have to return the laptop.

So I repacked it, in the same box they shipped it in, and took it to the post office in nearest town of Cartago, where I also have a PO box. Without my asking for it, they gave me express shipping - because it was much more expensive, and more profitable. for them. It cost me $100 dollars!

This was on a Thursday, but the following Tuesday, I got my refund from somewhere in the States.

Everyone keeps forgetting I live in Costa Rica - because I have a mailing address in Miami.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Histoty written like a novel

Tudors: The History of England from Henry VIII to Elizabeth I

Peter Ackroyd, who wrote this. was someone I never heard of before. and he cleverly wrote his name, in large letters, below an image we could all recognize.

And I must say, he does a job of doing just that. 

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

I get a Shower

While I was getting this done, I reminded myself of how recent an invention this was. It wasn't until the 20th Century was well advanced that people got used to getting wet all over. But once they got used to it, the convenience and efficiency. were apparent.

But doing this with one arm disabled. is a struggle - as I found out. But I must explain why my left arm was disabled. In the Costa Rican public hospitals, the CAJA, an unusual kind of expert are in  charge, of everything. There is a Spanish word for these guys, but I never bothered to memorize it.

In my case, we were sent directly to them, and they sent us to get an Xray. A bone was broken in my upper arm - and most places would have placed a cast on my upper arm. But not these guys - my entire upper arm had to be immobilized, until it healed. And I could not take a shower with that thing on.

Why do I use the CAJA? Because they are so cheap $30 for a month's coverage.

We should understand our world

And an important part of understanding our world is understanding our economy. which has become very complicated. 

I think everyone will agree with me here - at least in principal. This is the basis of Democracy.is having an informed public. 

How to do this? First of all, having a public that wants to be informed. Without this, we cannot do anything. Whether such a public exists is doubtful, but I will continue as though it did. 

And I will continue with considering America only. The American public will have to allocate sufficient funds to do this. This is a big project, and a lot of money will be required. Not as much as it spends on its Military already - but an amount similar to that. 

A new branch of government will have to be formed - with enough people in it, to do the job. 

The next step is easy - programming computers. to manage all the information collected. Actually, this is part of the preceding step, Enough people, and enough computers, must be assigned to do the job. 

But we are not out of the woods yet - defective software is all too common. And having this, is worse than having nothing at all. Unless people understand their computers, and their software - they might as well give up, and go home - with their tails between their legs. 

Monday, July 2, 2018

Why is so much bad stuff going on?

Because people want it to go on.

You may object to this question, because it sounds so pessimistic. You prefer a more optimistic attitude.But I think we have to be realistic. We have to say the human world is in bad shape, really bad shape.

And we can see no way out of it, because most people cannot see much wrong - and insist that things are more or less ok. Admitting things are not ok - means they have failed. And they do want to admit that.

I think we have to admit that. We have been hit with problems we cannot solve - the way we are now. We will have to change who (or what) we are.

Can this be done? I think so. We don't have much choice, actually.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

I Broke a Humerus bone

Yesterday, I went for my bicycle ride, . but ended up in a ditch with  terrible pain in my left arm - the worst pain I have ever felt in my life, Some kind people got me to my feet, and helped me walk back to my house. But Ray was not there.

Eventually he showed up, and took control of everything. He decided my arm needed to be Xrayed, and that could only be done at the hospital in Cartago. I got in his car, and he took the shortesr road there. Meanwhile, I was shaking all over, in terrible pain.

What I saw when we got to the hospital was unbelievable. Ray took my documentation from me, and started on some endless procedures. Eventually, I got my Xray, and we found I had broken the humerus bone.

The solution for this is immobilize it. I now wear a complicated device, that consists of two parts - one to keep my arm in one position, and one to hold it to my chest.