Monday, July 9, 2018

My hatred of Business

This must have started at an early age, something I inherited from my religious family. The church they belonged to, had a strange attitude towards business. They began as a church organized and financed by farmers - but it was becoming clear, in the Fifties, that farming was no longer where the money was.

They were confused - they believed in the sinfulness of the world, and wanted no part of that. But they also wanted to be a success. and that meant being part of the Business world. They never thought about this confusion - and this lack of clear thinking doomed them.

The church failed in the Sixties, but the church members have never realized this. I grew up in a church that was going to save the world - but it quietly died, and no one noticed its passing.

I started writing about Business here - but ended up writing about the the family church!

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