Monday, July 23, 2018

People can be crazy, and Computer Companies can be crazy also

Computer Craziness has happened, no doubt about it. And we need to take this craziness seriously - instead of doing our best to ignore it.

The best way to look at this problem, is to examine our many religious manias in the past. And consider this another one of those religious excitements. Where the rational part of our minds, is taken over by our emotions. 

Our religious nature is one of the most fundamental parts of our human nature - and we should take it seriously. Instead of giving into it, without a fight. 

I would date the beginning of Computer Craziness to about 1980, when I became involved in it personally. I had been an Electronic Engineer, which meant I was an expert in\Vacuum Tubes. But Solid State technology made that obsolete - and created the Digital Computer also - all at the same time! 

I observed, with amazement - how this empowered the worst kind of people. And made rich, people who should have been in jail! Everyone else noticed nothing at all. 

This was their way of coping with it - to see nothing at all! Not the brightest solution, but one that was easy for them, at the time. 

They did not say "We are into another religious mania, here - and will have to treat this carefully!"

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