Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Life in a Complex World

Open Democracy - Entrepreneurs of hate

I picked this article because it was so inadequate. It does a good job of describing what hate is, while saying nothing of what causes it.

And this complicated causation must be operating in our unconscious, individually and collectively. Where we can only guess at what is going on.

I repeat that - we can only guess at what is going on. But it must be a reaction to what is going on around it. And what is going on, in the world is complicated, and even worse, complex - where everything affects everything else, and is affected by everything else.

"This is the way it always has been," you will say. And you would be right. But this is shocking news to people used to a simpler way of thinking of things. That was conditioned by the Industrial Revolution - that changed us completely.

It made us rich, and at the same time made us poorer, mentally. Unable to understand our world.

But we have come up with a simple explanation - "Something out there, is out to get us!" And this explanation seems to fit perfectly.

I could go into a long explanation, at this point, of how our brains work, and how our emotions can easily take over our thinking. But you can see, for yourself, that this is happening. 

And you can also see, there is no easy way out of this situation.

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