Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Let's abolish the U.S. Senate

Resolved that the U.S. Senate is not serving the people well and should be abolished.

The Senate is the result of a compromise in drawing up the Constitution, between the larger states which wanted a legislative body based on population and the smaller states which wanted a legislative body with an equal number of members from each state. So we got both, and on balance, it was worth creating a Senate to gain a Constitution.

But, it has become a very serious threat to our ability to meet the constitutional mandate to "establish justice, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity."
And while we're at it, abolish the Electoral College too. Reforms like this seem to be in the air: check this Google search page. They would make good Christmas presents to ourselves.

But Santa, all-powerful as he is, couldn't pull this off. We would have to do it - and that is impossible. Americans should make a New Year's resolution: not to do anything, but to understand why we cannot do anything.

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