Wednesday, December 30, 2020

My Strong Antisocial Feelings

I believe in therapy because I know I have problems, but it was a long time before they noticed this, the most troublesome part of my personality.

This is probably because most people (therapists and their clients) don't want to know it exists, and they should do something about it. 

I had moved from Silicon Valley to Costa Rica. And as was my custom, I had a therapist, an American psychologist. It didn't take long for me to realize he wasn't much good, but he was cheap. I was depressed and was raking Nytol for this, but it was not working. He sent me to a local psychiatrist since I would need a prescription for different antidepressant medicine.

This guy was competent (he spoke several languages, and charged a lot) and he diagnosed my condition as antisocial, and increased my dosage of Nytol. Eventually, they realized Nytol was useless and stopped using it. but that was later. Meanwhile, I suffered.

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