Saturday, September 7, 2019

What I need from Banco Costa Rica

What I need is an App like most banks in the affluent world provide: that gives me access to the status of my account.

Banks everywhere hold money that belongs to others, and it is the responsibility of their governments to ensure the safety of that money. Needless to say, some governments are better at this than others.

Latin America, where I live, is not very good at this. The whole idea of taking care of someone else's money is foreign to them. They are only interested in taking care of their own money.

The idea of taking care of everyone's money was a British idea and resulted in an affluent North America, and an impoverished Latin America.

The idea of an Economy has gradually gained ground everywhere. As part of the EU, Europeans are now familiar with the idea but have little idea how to attain it. And as Brexit shows, they are rapidly losing it.

How do I want this App to work?

The Wells Fargo Bank, in the US, provides an example. When you log into your account, it tells you how much money you have in it.

This is followed by a detailed list of all your expenses for the past month - including your credit card expenses. You can dispute any of these expenses, and probably get you money back.

The idea is simple: you are in control of your money!

In Latin America, the Rich and Powerful have control of everything, including the Banks.

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