Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Living in a World that Does not Work Very Well

The most popular way of dealing with this is to ignore it, and hope that makes the problem (or at least part of the problem) go away. This sometimes works, but not very well.

A better way is to analyze the problem, and select part of it to work on. This puts us in charge, and not the problem.

As someone who is trying to understand his world, I cannot help but notice that this world is getting harder to understand, in many ways. And the people in it are not very helpful.

Why is this? Is this even a valid question? I think not, Why questions imply something is wrong with the questioner, and this almost always makes them defensive.

We have to reassure them that the problem involves nearly everything. That we are in this together.

But this goes against our Christian heritage and our belief in a benevolent God. And brings up the question of the existence of Evil.

But even more than that - they do not like to think. They like to feel instead.

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