Friday, December 6, 2019

What to do with Evil People?

The simplest solution for this is to get rid of them, to kill them. When they are gone, evil is gone! This is the approach used by Americans against Terrorists. The problem here is determining who is a terrorist.

This is an easy solution to this problem in a totalitarian state: the bad guys are whomever the powerful ones dislike.

But even as I write this, it doesn't sound right to say bad things happen because of bad people, and nothing else. There must be things making them bad.

I will use myself as an example. I worked hard to become an Electronic Engineer (U of Illinois, 1959) and after I became one, I specialized in Radar. I helped build the largest Radars (and most expensive) ever built. They were to detect Soviet Nuclear Bombers that never existed!

Later, I helped design a Bomb, so the Army would have one to compete with the Air Force.

All this was part of the Cold War, where immense sums were wasted by the US and the USSR. To the detriment of both countries.

Looking back at it, this waste of resources was evil. But no one saw it that way. We were just showing off our wealth, and there was nothing wrong with that! 

We did end up being poorer collectively, but we successfully managed to overlook that.

My personal conclusion: People can be good or bad, or nothing at all.

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