Saturday, May 16, 2020

You gotta be smart to use the Cloud

I am learning about the Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Coursera has a course about this, where they do their best to make it easy to understand.

But my 83-year-old brain is not up to it. And I suspect most brains of any age are not up to it either. People are not very smart, and trying to make them smarter is very difficult.

You need a young person who already knows most of what it needs to know. Then you need special training to push them a little further.

There are special certification programs to test to see if you really understand this. Most people don't.

The Cloud is many computers, scattered all over the world, and lots of special software that make it all work together, and super-smart. The net result is lots of smarts at low prices!

But to make all this stuff work right, you gotta be smart yourself. And able to work with other smart people also.

I worked once for a company that made supercomputers - or tried to. The monster machine we came up with should be in a museum somewhere.  But it did not sell.

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