Saturday, February 15, 2020

The Inner Life

To have a healthy mental life, this must be a vital part of your personal life. A part of your life that is only known to you, but you must share with your intimate friends.

But for many people, this relationship does not exist, and they do not want it to exist!

It is important for other people who know them, to recognize this vital fact.

This is a problem for the children of these people, which sometimes handle this problem surprisingly well. But sometimes do not.

In my personal case, I am the only child in my family who is aware of this problem.

Our parents were religious, and this has added to our problems, that my siblings are not aware of at all.

I am aware of the Coffee and Alcohol that I drink, and only need small amounts of them. Many people, however, cannot taste their coffee, or their drinks, and need larger amounts of them.

I am sure this applies to other drugs as well,

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