Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Has the Computer made People Better?

This depends on the People, and how smart they are.

The Computer has made most people stupid, and not just stupid, but very stupid. How has this happened? To understand this, we will have to go back a few years, to when we became Civilized.

We know when this happened, and where it happened, and its basic ingredient: Clay, which they used for everything. Today, we have tons of rheir writing - on backed clay, that lasts forever.

We had novels, with their stories of Love between Men, and Temple Prostitutes. And Bookkeeping, to record forever all the temple offerings.

To go back even further, our species came down out of the trees in Eastern Africa, with one important invention: Language. This made us smart, and before long we were everywhere, except Antarctica. 

I could explain how language made us smart. because I was in a hospital once. without it. But that is another story.

To go back to the beginning, we soon had many civilizations, and they were at war with each other. Not very nice, I know - but that was the way it was. This was the Ancient World. that ended with the fall of the Roman Empire.

We now live in the Modern World, with its abundance of inventions, because we were thinking again.

A few of us were thinking, and before long we had produced Software. This takes us back to the original question: this made us smarter, but did it make us better?

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