Thursday, November 12, 2020

Wanting to Be Wonderful

As I was waking up, I gave this some hard thought. I suspect this is not the best of intentions, but where does it go wrong?

What do I mean by being wonderful? Is a celebrity wonderful, by definition? If she loses this, what does she (or he) lose? 

She loses their admiration, which is quite a lot. But is that everything? Yes and No, because you never get something for nothing. If she gets their admiration, what does she pay for that? How does that limit her? 

Let's take a common example: sex. A celebrity confers her approval by consenting to be viewed. This is not sex but is possibly its beginnings. Once I was walking up a street in Bali, watching a woman keeping her little son from walking out in the street. by rotating her breast to attract his attention. It was working, but when she saw I was noticing it too, she froze. She did not want to attract me sexually. 

Or consider me, on the other side of the world, in my role as an Electronics Engineer. Women there evaluate my position (and me) by different standards. 

To evaluate the worth of any situation, you have to consider what you pay for it. 

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