Tuesday, January 23, 2018

The Machinery of the Human Mind

Evolutionary Psychology: A Primer This article is one of the things I was determined to read today. So I fixed myself some coffee, and got to work on it.

But I also had Jared Kushner Is China’s Trump Card on my computer. And that interested me also. This is a brilliant insight into the American Mind in operation - and it is obvious that it is defective. The American Mind has evolved in strange ways, in the last fifty years, or so - a very short period of time. 

It is more appropriate now to use Software terminology - and speak of the way the brain is organized into functional modules. Each of these modules has its inputs and its outputs - and performs a function, that converts the inputs to the outputs. There are a large number of these modules, arranged in complicated ways - just as the software is, on any laptop or smartphone. 

International diplomacy is often works in much the same way - with each diplomat performing his own function in the negotiations. With Kushner now operating as one of them. 

Software can be changed nearly instantaneously - just do an update, and it operates differently. This also applies to people - their internal circuitry can be also be updated - and the result is a different person!  One that has no idea, how much he has changed. 

For some reason, Americans decided to change the way they thought - in fact, to not think much at all! I have no idea why or how this happened - but I could see it had happened. In about 150 years (the 19th Century, and half of the 20th - up to about 1970) their minds had changed greatly. And their technology had changed - to the Computer, a different machine entirely. 

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