Friday, January 19, 2018

We are Complicated Creatures

And complicated is too mild a word for what we really are. That often includes the desire to not know what we are - since this is often not very good news.

We can also believer we are perfect! Without being aware of this at all. I believe this is the situation with most Americans - they believe they are perfect, and do not like to be criticized. This is a huge shortcoming, and makes it difficult to live with them - since their egos have to be stroked constantly.

However, this feeling of superiority, masks a profound feeling of being inadequate, and these two feelings can coexist in the same person - and make him react in different ways at different times - depending on the situation he is in.

This syndrome probably starts early in a child's experience, probably before birth, when it gets the message that - it is not wanted! And to survive, it has to become unaware of this type of message. A serious shortcoming, that lasts throughout its adult life.

This is probably what is behind totalitarianism, in all its many forms. A curse that has been with us, for a very long time. And shows no signs of abating.

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