Monday, January 1, 2018

The Market is Working Better Than Ever

This is a continuation of my last posting The Market Economy.

I am convinced this is a subject well worth our continuing interest. And cannot help but notice that most people give it no attention - and don't even know that it exists.

Which means the Market is working better than ever - but most things are not.

Our governments, for example - that are in very bad shape. But no one notices this, because their shopping centers are as busy as ever. If plenty of goods are on display - this means everything is ok. No one wants to look any deeper.

I am speaking of Americans, of course - in most of the rest of the world, they have no shopping centers to look at - and have shortages of everything. The Market has worked for them, but in a negative fashion - it has impoverished them.

But no one, and I mean no one - can question the workings of the Market, in making the rich and the poor.

In the ancient world, everything was controlled by the gods - who did not treat people very well. In today's world, the market has the same function - but people are not aware of this - as they were of the gods - who spoke to them directly.

People cannot hear, what the Market is telling them - but they follow its instructions without thinking about it. They are parts of a vast machine, where every part affects other parts.

They are afraid, if they stop to think about this - all this machinery will stop working. And the world will end!

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