Thursday, January 25, 2018

They Don't Know What It is - But they Know They Hate It

What is "It" here? It's the Digital Revolution, that everyone loves to hate.

I just picked up on the label The Digital Revolution, myself - but I am keeping it, because it explains so much.

It's analogous to the Industrial Revolution - a huge event we never understood very well, even as it changed us completely.

One reason we hate it, is because it is so different - like nothing else, we have ever encountered before. To see what I mean, browse this tutorial that plopped into my inbox this morning. To understand it, you have to be already familiar with a ton of other Software stuff. You have to already be there. Anyone else has a lot of catching up to do.

But the people already there, are making a ton of money - much to the discomfort of everyone else. Who wonder "How come they are making so much - when we are not?"

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