Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Better Than Living Beings

We have believed our own advertising, about how wonderful our latest technologies are. And we think, this must mean, we are better also. Better than all the living beings we have descended from.

We do not believe this consciously, the slightest thought would show how ridiculous this is - but we believe it anyway, because it makes us feel so good! We are experts at self-deception.

It seems to me, that this is one of the biggest problems that we face. Which is fortunate, because it is so easy to understand and correct.

Or perhaps the problem is bigger than I think it is.  People have become addicted to some powerful ways of being - that they do not want to give up. These are not easy to explain - but I will try anyway.

One of these social decisions, was to let other forces control us. One of these forces being The Market. This was one of the assumptions of the Industrial Revolution - that changed who we were, and changed us profoundly.

What we became, it seemed to us - was much better than what we had been. In fact, much better than anything that had existed before. We had almost become divine.

The gap between what we thought we were - and what we actually were, had become astronomical.

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