Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Not Interested in the Facts

This is one of the amazing developments of our time, people who are not interested in the facts of the situation - any situation. And they find this completely normal.

I was so amazed, when I started thinking about this - I didn't even know how to think about it. How do you think about nothing? Then I realized that not being was a way of being. And this not being included not being interested - as well as many other negative things.

Negative things are just as much things, as positive things.

That being said - why would people bother with such complicated, negative logic? I don't know, but that doesn't matter - they are this way, and they are going to stay this way. And the rest of us have to take this into account.

President Trump is an excellent example of this type. Many people try to understand him, but are constantly frustrated - because he says (and does) so many contradictory things. Once they realize he is nothing - and this, for him, is something. He makes sense.

And many other people make sense also. He was elected by the majority of Americans - who are also not interested in the facts.

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