Wednesday, March 21, 2018

The Next Big Thing

Has already begun, and is developing rapidly. But few want to be aware of it - because (they think) it is threatening their way of life. And they may be right - their world is now obsolete, and is being replaced with another one.

It is tempting to begin with the Computer, but Television prepared the way for that. People got used to looking at a magical screen - and to programs that showed them how to live. The Computer continued this trend - but in ways no one could have predicted.

It made possible Large-Scale Integrated circuits (LSI) - now simply known as Chips - all you need is a few of them to build a laptop. The Internet and Cellular networks. Artificial Intelligence (a Big Deal, believe me). And the ultimate development - the Cloud.

It's tempting to compare this with the discovery of the New World. This was discovered by accident - and by some very ruthless people.

The Spanish Empire was the largest, and the richest in the West. But the Dutch and the English were better financed.

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