Saturday, March 17, 2018

Fear of Doing It Right

This is a rational fear, in a culture that is doing it wrong.

I'm serious about this - our world has gone wrong in a number of ways. The most important way being its inability to see that this has happened to it.

I am now taking an online programming course from the Code School - about the Web Development Framework, called Phoenix, that - is so good, it scares me!

This has happened before. In the Nineties, in Silicon Valley, Sun Microsystems developed the Java programming language. I was working for a company then, that decided it would use Java - and Java would somehow make it successful.

I watched as the programmers sabotaged this effort. You read that right, the programmers they had, wrecked that effort to make better software. The company went out of business, Sun Microsystems went out of business - and everyone was satisfied with what they had done!

Right then, I should have realized a fundamental struggle was going on. The struggle between Good and Evil - that has been with us, forever. The destruction of Java, was evil - no two ways about it.

The language itself, has survived, is supported by a large community of developers, and is the most popular language now being used. They are the good guys - but they don't call themselves that. They just point to the obvious - their system works! And not only that, they are making plenty of money, with their Java expertise.

If I had realized this, then - I would have acted differently - and got with it, with the right software developers. I would still be in the States, making plenty of money - and reasonably satisfied with my life.

But I didn't, and no one else I knew, got the message either. The message being "Good and Evil are real - and you have to be aware of this!"

Everyone was saying, as loudly as they could "No, no, no - there is no Good or Evil, and you must ignore such foolish talk!"

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