Thursday, March 29, 2018

The Scientific and the Anti-Scientific

Science was a miracle - but a miracle, most people want to be rid of.

It had taken them too far away from what they were really interested in - their irrational, emotional movements. That all too easily - become destructive also.

The movements I just spoke of, exist largely in their minds, in their collective unconscious. That they are exquisitely attuned to - and which sometimes results in collective action, they cannot understand -but are certain had to happen. The election of Trump, was an example of this.

Allow me to restate this - people are basically emotional creatures. And prefer their feelings to their intelligence.

If they have a medical problem, however, they will forget their anti-scientific bias - and demand that medical science cure them. And sometimes it will.

Their two personalities are in conflict here - but they are not aware of this, because they have become unaware to a remarkable degree.

Let me restate this again: what's important is in their minds - not outside of it.

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