Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Decentralised Finance (DeFi)

Medium - The Startup

The biggest organisations in the world are now starting to realise the importance that Cryptocurrency and DeFi will play in the world.

This was begun with Bitcoin and its Blockchain networks. And is being carried on by Ethereum and its Smart Contracts. Facebook is seriously developing its Libra currency, that is making banks and Congress (that receives a lot of funding from the banks) nervous.

Microsoft's Azure cloud now automates Ethereum and its Blockchain network for you. And the Google cloud (GCP) is doing much the same thing, they say.

One opportunity that interests me is International Transfers - Exchanging and transferring various currencies across borders.

My retirement funds are paid for by the American Social Security Agency (SSA) but I am living and banking in Costa Rica. This creates lots of problems.

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