Friday, August 9, 2019

Me and Money

I couldn't think of a better title for this posting. This one is kind of lame, but it is brief. 

To be complete, I would have to say more about money, the US and Costa Rica, and Computers.

I will settle for Computers, which have a fatal attraction for me and are symbolic of our age.

Money, for them, is only a number, and this does not blend well with the Human belief that it is damn near everything.

Some kind of compromise must be possible, and I am being forced to make this compromise myself. Why I ask, is this role being forced on me?

I seem to be in the right place at the right time, and all the pieces when put together point right to me and people like me.

I didn't plan for this to happen, and I didn't want this to happen, but here I sit in my pajamas, in front of my laptop, which is giving me some stern orders: "This the way it is, and this the way you are going to be, like it or not!"

I am reminded of Emerson, who wrote: "Things are in the saddle and ride mankind." There is a statue in a park in London, of a naked man riding a naked horse, with this inscription below it.

We are naked when faced with the ultimate reality.

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