Thursday, November 21, 2019

Ethereum turns Me On

The basic idea behind Ethereum is Decentralization. An idea I like, but many people dislike, often intensely. They feel something else must be in control, and not them.

We now have something new: blockchains, people agreeing to follow certain mathematical rules. These are explained at

The previous solution was provided by religion, and finding a substitute for religion is hard. Usually, an authority figure appears in this space, and people give their power to him.

This is now Donald in the US or Boris in the UK. Democracy is not working very well.

Cryptocurrency could probably manage part of this problem, the money part. And this would be a strong move in the right direction.

But people don't understand it.

Understanding it would have to be done in small steps, the first one being "Do we want to be in control of our lives>" The second one follows immediately "How do we do this/?"

Most people are not sure. But there are plenty of other people now debating this question online. I recommend and

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