Friday, November 29, 2019

My Tongue and my Coffee

I enjoy having my coffee first thing in the morning. And I enjoy being particular about the taste of my coffee, while I read something interesting on my laptop.

This morning it's Does Who You Are at 7 Determine Who You Are at 63?  And I have to admit that this mix of High and Low Tech (Coffee and the Computer) suits me well.

Here is a sample of his writing:

To spend time with a child is to dwell under the terms of an uneasy truce between the possibility of the present and the inevitability of the future. Our deepest hope for the children we love is that they will enjoy the liberties of an open-ended destiny, that their desires will be given the free play they deserve, that the circumstances of their birth and upbringing will be felt as opportunities rather than encumbrances; our greatest fear is that they will feel thwarted by forces beyond their control. At the same time, we can’t help poring over their faces and gestures for any signals of eventuality — the trace hints and betrayals of what will emerge in time as their character, their plot, their fate. And what we project forward for the children in our midst can rarely be disentangled from what we project backward for ourselves.
I open a can of Garbanzos con Carne de Cerdo, the local version of Pork and Beans. Latinos know how to eat well at a low cost. This is the taste I acquired when young: simple home-cooked food. I was born during the Depression (in 1936) and this enforced our simple life.

We did not drink coffee, however, this was considered sinful. And I am now leading a sinful life.

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