Sunday, November 3, 2019

We live in a fast-moving world - too fast in fact

I was just reminded of this in a brutal fashion. I was lying on the floor, unable to get up.

Now that I am 82, this happening more frequently. I bent over to pick something up, and splat! I was laying on the floor.

"That is all?" You may be saying, "A temporary discombobulation?" Yes that is all, but when you are the one it is happening to, it feels much worse, like the end of the world.

How is this related to a fast-changing world? Like all animals we were part of our world, an intimate part of it. And if it changes, we have to change with it. And change is stressful.

We have recently added that word to our vocabulary: stress, because we have so much of it. But we have added another complication - we are not aware of this!

The software industry has made this clear with a saying of theirs: "Move fast, and break things!"

But lots of people are wondering, if breaking things is such a good idea.

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