Saturday, April 11, 2020

How much sex can you have?

If you are a woman the answer is easy: an unlimited amount, although it might get boring after a while.

If you are a man, the answer is almost as easy: right after the last time. Your batteries will have to recharge, but this will not take long.

I learned this from personal experience, with a live-in girlfriend. She learned it from her mother. who saw how much money GIs had in wartime England, and wanted some of it for herself. The easiest way to get this was lots of sex. Tit for Tat.

This was not an original idea, Cleopatra had used it, and it worked. If babies were produced, so much the better!

My girlfriend did not stop to think that doing it less often might work just as well. She was not a thinking person.

If I sometimes asked myself "Didn't we just do this?" She would answer "Yes, and we are going to do it again!"

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