Saturday, April 18, 2020

People who are Good at Software want to make other People good at Software Too

Computers run on software, and software is made by people. These people are different, but not that different. 

I discovered this back in the Eighties when I bought the first portable computer and put it to work writing computer documents.

I was a tech writer then. I could write my documents. save them to floppy disks, and take my disks to our word-processing gals, who had their own computer. They could do their thing (there wasn't much left to do. actually) and send it out to be printed. My boss did the figures, and I was three times as productive! He never got smart and offered me a raise.

I also noticed I could use my computer to do some programming, and I set to work doing that. I was working in the same room with the programmers, and I was showing them my work. They offered me a job as a programmer! 

I had my own terminal with a much larger screen, that was connected to a network that included their mini-computer in a room next door, that had a huge fast printer!

I went up un the world without even trying!

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