Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Our Basic Problem

Yes, we do have a basic problem, all of us. But most of us don't want to know anything about it, because it is so terrible.

What is it?

You probably already know. but don't want to face it.

To understand it, we have to go back in history to the point when we became a successful species, somewhere in East Africa. Sometime later, we were all over the world.

This was made possible by our invention of language, something no other species has. We soon had hundreds of them. Each occupying its own tiny space on the Planet.

This was Phase One of Human Development. We came down out of trees and walked everywhere, usually in groups, talking (and singing). What came next?

We became Civilized. This was based on the use of clay for everything, including writing.

The amount of writing we did was prodigious, museums are still full of clay tablets. Mostly records of offerings to Gods and Goddesses, which we also invented.

We were inventing alternative realities. And these would get us into plenty of trouble!

There was Reality, that everything had. And many Realities, that only we had.

And these quickly got out of control. Our technologies (including Religion) were now running us.

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