Saturday, April 25, 2020

Job Training

This saved the life of a cousin of mine. He got into a career for which he was not well-suited.

He grew up in the Cleveland, Ohio area. One of the many backward areas in the US. He went to college and trained to become a Social Worker, and got a job doing that.

But immediately found he could not. He was a married man with children at the time. His wife left him in disgust, taking the children with her. He was a failure, just out of college.

Fortunately, he had a sister living in Northern Virginia, in the DC area. She and her husband invited him to live with them, while he got his life sorted out. He took Adult Education courses, which included tests to determine what kind of jobs he was suited for. They indicated he could be a surveyor.

He took courses to become a surveyor. got a job doing that, and became a success!

This indicates the importance of living in the right area, which are not that common. And of being mobile, able to move around.

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