Thursday, September 3, 2020

Mormonism and Industrialization

This historical relationship is one the Mormons themselves are extremely adverse to. It implies that Mormonism was caused by Social and Technical events of its time.  Not a revelation of God's Will in History. 

This is probably true of any Religion, and Mormonism was definitely a Religion. In fact, we have to start with that observation: Mormonism was (and is) a Religion. 

It did not start out that way but quickly became one, because the people of its time wanted it that way. 

It began when Joseph Smith published the Book of Mormon in 1830. In 1844, he was the leader of a large and growing church but was killed by an angry mob. 

I keep referring to the book Kingdom of Nauvoo, which does an excellent job of describing these events. But doesn't spend much time describing the situation they occur in, in the Illinois of its time. 

The Mormons frequently traveled to the Nations Capital, as did Abraham Lincoln,  but the two never crossed paths. How did this happen? 

This probably happened because of the layout of the Railroads of the time. While many converts were traveling up the Mississippi River. 

Poot recordkeeping of the time makes it impossible to determine the accuracy of this possibility. 

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