Saturday, September 26, 2020

When did our Craziness Start?

When did our technology start? That's an easier question. 

Sometime in the 16th Century with the invention of the Printing Press. And for 1000 years this was our dominant technology. 

We were a scatted bunch of British states along the Atlantic seaboard, but we were writing to each other, and to anyone who could read. Our Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson, in his beautiful handwriting. 

We were lucky and had France for an ally. When the French Fleet blockaded American ports, our war with England was over.

We looked at our situation, realized it had to be improved, and set about improving it - with a Constitutional Convention. The first of its kind. This resulted in many debates, held in secret. And the printing of many papers, in the open, where different people set forth their views. These Constitutional Papers are still studied today, to figure out what was on their minds. 

Eventually, it was ratified by enough States and it became Law, with George Washington as our first President. When he retired to his farm, this set a valuable precedent. 

The next 200 years were an age of rapid changes and many innovations. Mainly with the invention of Electricity and Photography. Collectively known as Industrialization. 

The Steam Engine was invented, which made possible the Railroads and the Steamships. which were powered by Coal and then Oil.

All this had a huge effect on our Religions and our Religious wars which became the worst ever. 

Mathew Brady photographed the Civil War. 

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