Saturday, February 9, 2019

The Human Mind is Defective

But the American Mind is so defective, I wonder if it even exists, or if Americans want one.

The contrast between their Political minds and their Computer minds could not be more extreme. And the rest of the world seems to be following their lead.

What the hell is going on?

It seems to me, they have observed, correctly, that life has become difficult - but instead of becoming smarter, to cope with this - they have become stupider, and in fact, have ceased to exist!

And there is no way I can tell them "You have become stupid!"  Because this part of their minds (the thinking mind) no longer exists.

They have minds, but their minds cannot think.

This sounds strange, I know. But I do not know a better way of explaining it.

The best way is simply observing them in action - and forming your own explanation.

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