Wednesday, February 20, 2019

The Liberal-Conservative Spectrum

It's important to consider this a spectrum - range of values that can vary from one extreme to the other. But as a simplification, we can say liberals like people and conservatives do not.

And it's important to emphasize that the conservative values here are American, not British. These are two similar, but different cultures.

In America, conservatives do not want to analyze themselves, to determine just what they are. This is one of their important attitudes. They are not socially aware (of themselves, or anyone else) and are determined to stay that way.

The American social complex (to give it a fancy name) includes attitudes acquired from Industrialization, a complex process that created both wealth and poverty. And which we (conservatives and liberals) have never understood very well. And do not want to understand very well.

Also, to make one more point, in America conservatives usually belong to the Republican party.

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