Tuesday, February 26, 2019

The Taliban is many Organizations

I probably should not be blogging about something I know so little about.

But something has been known about warfare forever - know the enemy!

Now that we are trying to get out of Afghanistan, this is the right time to understand what we are trying to get out of.

I am assuming we want to leave Afghanistan, and give it back to the people who live there - that we refer to as the Taliban. And I am assuming (correctly, I am sure) that these people are composed of many different groups. fighting among themselves for power over their many tiny territories.

We do not know (or need to know) who these groups are - we just want to get out as easily as possible.

We are not going to get out for free - we will have to give them enough weapons to keep them fighting each other indefinitely. And to keep the Russians (their next-door neighbors) from taking over again,

This means keeping some people there, who can keep the situation stabilized, This is easy to say, but impossible to perform.

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