Monday, September 9, 2019

Ray and I have just had a Fight

He said he was tired of taking care of me. I didn't say anything. but thought to myself that he could be bossy at times.

Soon after I started living in his house, He insisted that I have an account with Banco Costa Rica (BCR), not the Banco National, where most Gringos have their accounts.

I didn't argue with him about this, I could see this was what I\he wanted, so I let him have his way. I didn't need another bank, because I was using Wells Fargo, in the States, at the time.

Then Wells Fargo canceled my debit card there, but would not give me another one. All of a sudden, I needed another bank!

Ray became helpful because he speaks Spanish. He arranged to have my SSA retirement funds every month transferred to BCR, instead of to Wells Fargo. This was a lot of work on his part.

I kept trying to enroll in the BCR because this would give me more control over my money. But this never worked out. And I finally figured out why. BCR was sending me an email as part of the enrollment process.

Ray insisted I copy this email to him, right away, I didn't\ know why at the time, but I finally figured out why: This would give Ray insight into my account!

This didn't work because every email has a return address. BCR just compared the return address on his email with the one they sent me, and it was obvious they were not from the same person. They canceled the enrollment process, much to Ray's fury.

As he said himself "This made his blood boil!"

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