Saturday, December 9, 2017

Company Craziness

In the Eighties and Nineties I worked for a number of companies - and they were all crazy. Or perhaps I should say, they were self-destructive. It's much the same thing.

And people liked them this way, and would have them no other way. Huge amounts of money were wasted this way - much to everyone's satisfaction.

You have probably noticed by now, that I am crazy myself - and I am, no question about it. But my craziness gives me some insights that not many other people have.

Our contemporary culture, whatever you want to call it - is crazy on a global scale. And everyone is ignoring this - as if their lives depended on it, which indeed they do.

If anyone revolts against an authoritarian regime - they get squashed, like a bug in a windshield. They become unemployable - a fate worse than death.

The basic Christian symbol is - Jesus suffering on the Cross. An image that everyone can recognize. And it became the symbol of the untold multitudes suffering under Roman Rule. That brought the Roman Empire down.

Pause to think about that - a religion brought down an empire! And this fall lasted for a thousand years.

We are going through another Fall, right now. And everyone is saying "Nothing bad is going on!"

I am saying something bad is going on - but if you pressed me, to say more about this - I could not, any more than you can.

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